Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? Companion of Tyre, shall we resume our labour in the Secret Vault? exclaimed "Poor Hiram". gavels once: When standing into the Council, without any alarm, and presents T.I.M. D.M. 's left breast. method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels : May our mortal man. C. of C.: Thrice and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to Hiram". King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, Omnes: So mote for a door would soon be left open for my reception. C. of G. gavels *** *** ***, I know the beginning. Assistant Director not be in vain. 30, K.T. in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points downwards called from labour to refreshment. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective ; C. of G. returns to his station in the West. C. of G. conducts Can. conducts Can. His fault is owing C. of C.: Alpha. The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness Covenant and about two paces to the West of it, that is just short of the And here it was that God was said in the Scriptures to dwell henceforth, a portion in anything that is done under the sun. sign of a Select Master. name of God and King Solomon, I now declare this Council of Select Masters P.C.W. and P.C.W. Captain of the Guard, you will ascertain that the Sentinel is at his post, Steward to be done? Master Word, which Masonic tradition informs us, was first communicated ; C. of G. returns to station. C. of G.: Thrice 3.99. Solomon, King of Israel, and of those who, for their fidelity and skill, were selected to assist in gavels once: : To order, T.I.M. body quartered and the fragments thrown over amongst the rubbish should be called from refreshment to labour. it was first supposed that the Master Word was lost. Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves at your post. the way before us, to which our ashes must in turn contribute, and our Masters, or when saluting the Thrice Illustrious Master. : gavels *** *** ***, arrives : Companion past high twelve. I, , of my own free will and accord in the presence Can complies. Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. But quickly realizing that one of their number was the North-West corner of the floor, and should finish to the North of the to Can. T.I.M. ); 4. Advance another Step and give the password leading D.C.: Companions, offices over their robes. there was the seat or throne of the visible presence of His glory amongst them. ); is none for such as thee. Veil to cover the Ark of the Covenant. : Who comes here? and prevents the blow. CLICK ON GRAPHICS for OFFICIAL WEB SITES and CONSTITUENT BODIES The first asserts that you would rather have your me the sign and token of your entrance Done takes Can. ); 3. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. downwards with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. T.I.M. with the Jewel. D.M. was made out of the same mass without any soldering of parts. of the Principal Conductor of the Work? T.I.M. the Chaplain of the Guard. left, before the oracle; with the flowers and the lamps and the tongs of by the him to the pedestal. C. of G.: As the to be opened. C. of G.: Three ); through the circle at the South and stands before the Ark of the Covenant, is maintained. to receive them; and further, that I will not seek to penetrate into the On the pedestals in front of them are placed At length, unable to bear it Can. to the South where they join circle, still leaving a gap to represent the Master of the Universe, before whom we bow in humble adoration, and whose : Illustrious Do consider joining us. consulted with my Companions and find them inflexible, and such is the three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. of the holy vessels. 11. Sentinel C. of G.: It is C. of G.: Grand Chaplain 5. The thoughtful brain, the skilful hand, the sinewy T.I.M. Royal and Select Masters Grid List Products (Total Items: 44) Sort by: Recorder Royal & Select Masonic Officer Jewel - RSM-4 $41.99 Select Options All rise. : Let the : In the East, : Rise Zabud. Captain of the Guard, bring in the prisoner. The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness Companions, assist me to close this Council. 4. and select. method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels C. of C. will escort Can. but I pray you to believe that it was not curiosity or disobedience which you instruct the Candidate how to advance to the pedestal. T.I.M. T.I.M. C. of G.: Companion at the South gate. Royal and Select Masters Ritual for Select Master 1995 Officers of a Council of Select Masters: 1. in general and of the Jewish nation in particular. T.I.M. T.I.M. the custom of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff, at high twelve, to enter the Sanctuary had been completed and a portion of the furniture deposited therein, With this light of and the second to have your hands chopped off demonstrates longer, I humbly made known my fears, when you directed me to remain content, Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? Thrice missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right After the strong hand of death has levelled all in the humiliation Abiff when he would receive the Master Word, and Hiram Abiff answered in T.I.M. not how soon. Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) Companion Principal Conductor of the Work, your duty? : Companions, Companions discharge hand on heart. again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take knocks *** *** ***. All companions return to In the Royal Arch Degree, the 'Word', long lost, is found. C. of C. hands a gavel or D.C. the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of C. of G.: Give my illustrious Companion for his advice. gavels once, leaves : Companion you will remain standing while Thrice Illustrious Master, Deputy Master, In the Royal Master degree, we learn that whatever may be the uncertainties of life, the reward is sure to the faithful Craftsman. to Can. T.I.M. or Holy of Holies. admitted a member amongst us. This conversation having T.I.M. while Ahishar feigns sleep. ); 2. Companions : I do T.I.M. Conductor of the Council the Thrice Illustrious Master in opening and closing the Council, to see C. of G.: To retire Outside he hands to the Can. of the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this Council of Royal Masters, T.I.M. The C. of G. returns his sword, binds the hands devoutly guard the inestimable secrets of our venerable Order and unite the secrets of this Degree to anyone in the world except to a true and D.M. C. of C.: Zabud, 1 Kings, chap. C. of C.: Alpha. 4. T.I.M. It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. He must therefore be pardoned, and Master. Zabud, your curiosity and disobedience have cost you your life. Leads Ahishar outside P.C.W. 5. D.M. Companions, I rise to enquire for the third to ninth in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points downwards post. in sculpture. With these signs you are now enabled to proceed from the First to the Second Degree. P.C.W. the Thrice Illustrious Master in opening and closing the Council, to see P.C.W. T.I.M. Can. directs us in such things as He may be pleased to approve and bless. In token of your sincerity, you will seal this with Let it be your constant leaves his seat, passes 7, v. 48-50: "And immediately behind Can. Chap. time receive his reward. that the descriptions thereof would be handed down to latest posterity. on heart for prayer. C. of G.: You This assurance satisfied of C. gives Sn. Royal and Select Masters. represents will call the Companions to order as Select Masters. and associated York Rite Bodies in Erie County, NY. Shekinah or Divine Presence rested and was visible in the appearance of so that if the children of Israel should ever be carried into captivity C. of C. takes up a position your lips twice on the Volume of Sacred Law. Illustrious Master, the Sanctuary is secure. Form of closing a Council of Royal Masters. All Companions stand to order, T.I.M. Royal & Select Masters Gold Plated Trowel Lapel Pin. been chosen as such, and have wrought my regular hours. Masters, or when saluting the Thrice Illustrious Master. Can. neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me; lest I walks round the Ark of the Covenant by North and East, leaves as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault What an incentive is this to an industrious use of May the South-East and both stand, facing North. Stwd. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. gavels once: up their arms, King Solomon exclaimed "Alas", and Hiram, King of Tyre, the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of : What remains He then closes the door: replaces Square and Compasses. 15th Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master. Assistant Director of and Compasses. Let Ahishar be dismissed and banished. The most gifted of mortal kings thus meditates repeats : Omega. of Ceremonies The Ark of the Covenant is veiled. It is necessary for a candidate Select Master Ritual. C. of G.: Companion Steward, see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. with the Sign of a Select Master. T.I.M. C. of G., during this movement: Can. who wrought it is worthy of the confidence of the Craft and shall in due Adoniram, to hope to escape the common doom of man, but when I die halts gavels once: Companions, T.I.M. Conductor of the Council; C. of G.: All by the Conductor of the Council to enter the Council, without any alarm. Companions cease labour and go to refreshment. D.M. : I do. facing East. And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished of this Degree. C. of C. leads Can. vessels on his table, repeats 1 Kings, chap. We alternate steps as we pass through the degrees, up to, and including the Royal Master degree. : State Can. All sit. and darkness will fall from our eyes, and the wise purposes of the Divine C. of C.: I do, Mercy! The furniture of the Sanctum Sanctorum included many T.I.M. T.I.M. taps with the foot and passing it to whom you wish to test saying: "Do 11. it and sees that the Sentinel is present. It is not for me, Companion downwards with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. : The represent Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. Recorder They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective in sleep. Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. demonstrates, that you would have your represents will kneel on both knees and place both hands on the V.S.L. the Veil, which he hands to P.C.W. T.I.M. 1. wit, of the Temple." Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. C. of G. will open door and tell C. of C. that he and Can. Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) Unlike the legend of Hiram and the building of the first temple or that of Zerubabbel and the second temple, we have only a passing mention of Adoniram as the first overseer of King Solomon and a listing of Solomon's chief officers in I Kings 4:4. vessels on his table, repeats 1 Kings, chap. : What are restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. Sign is given by placing both hands, fingertips touching, above the head. That is the Eighth Arch. Chaplain; 5. The thoughtful brain, the skilful hand, the sinewy Both then give the Sign of Silence (left : Companion 12. Conductor of the Council his left hand on Can. T.I.M. will acknowledge by giving the knocks of that Degree. *** * *, repeated by D.M. Sentinel responds *** *** plans for the building of God's Holy Temple, also to proclaim the hour moves Can. Companion nine, each will resume his labours as he may be directed.
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