lacerta files part 3 - This conception is really very primitive. Just apply and use common sense. I must admit to being just a little tiny bit skeptical about the whole thing. Thus, someone in charge in their world believes in humans. I want to meet her. How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. Very important: dont close your eyes (this would lead to a different form of brain waves which are more easy to access) and dont sit or lay down to rest. Can you explain? The humans of your series were very frightened when they observed our battles and they wrote it down in form of religious myths (their mind was not able to understand what was really going on.) The Lacerta Files Audiobook. @Z Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. I am going to attempt and bring up this line of conversation with it. Drugs like psychedelics and opiates will break telepathic bonds, this is why they are regulated by government agencies which they have infiltrated. Stereotypical, unfounded opinions normally created out of fear are the fetters of the mind and lead to a restricted consciousness. Do you use the same abilities to do this? In the one picture, it certainly seems to me that a real existing ship of an alien species was adapted for a small model here. If that was the Reptilians trying to reacquaint themselves with surface folk a bit too much water has passed under the bridge as we have heard of no more contact since then, either that or some other species got to them first I hope not. This means not that all in that group are genetically related to you, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of us. In the meantime I collect questions which I will ask her then. Beyond the outer ring of the colony, there are zones in which animals are keptyou know, we MUST consume flesh as nourishmentand the gardens in which plant nourishment and mushroom culture are cultivated; there is also hot and cold running water there from subterranean sources. Dont overestimate my knowledge, Im no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. {TRANSLATORS NOTE: No legitimate translation exists for this word Feldraum; Feld means field, Raum means space, room, expanse. Therefore, Im translating it as sphere of influence.} Certain physical conditions are associated only with the realm of the material {as in concrete}, while other and more complicated conditions are associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world. I would love to talk to anyone there, not as an ally but as a friend. The Lecerta File Have you met with her since? The station is driven by fusion as its base and it supplies the colony and the suns with energy. Not anything like her species who are smarter, more evolved, and, well, let's face it, just a whole damn lot better. Take good care of it, dont abuse the living, dont impose your will on others (I got kids, there are some exceptions, I know. It depends again on the respective point of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the deeds of a much more highly developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower observation point, from which an assessment is not possible. I actually found this very interesting! I wanna meet her or find the entrance. I will say I have been awake my whole life, I have been fighting this system all my 50 yrs. None of these occurrences have happened in the last 200 years of your time scale. If we sit in the sun (especially naked and with our row of small back plates in the sun) our body temperature can rise for 8 or 9 degrees within minutes. Those flames apparently do not go out and they burn the body right down to its last constituents. Thank you for publishing this for public use, without it I would have never found the truth. This is because Im female. Question: How many alien species are active on earth at the moment? I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab. Answer: Yes, but not like your birds or primitive reptiles. Your current civilization doesnt know anything about your real origin, about your real past, about your real world and universe and you know very little about us and our past. My name is Zach Goodspeed. For me it is no issue to make them worse because they do not look like us. The mummies are authentic and the females have eggs in their bellies. The interview tells the story of the first alien war between two advanced alien species 65 million years ago. There is no free will available in our society how to deal with the information in this interview because it is not embedded in a trusted, and open environment, with a free access of information, where everybody can freely judge about this subject. First and foremost, the alien oscillation must be felt, something generally that is done automatically by the brain, i.e., for the one the field oscillation, for the other the quasi-electrical brain waves here in the normal space {which matter inhabits}. We are acquainted with theory and practice. She is part of an ancient reptilian race that has been living underground. There is info for everybody. Whenever a ship with one of those kinds of drives gets into a field fluctuation or into an eddy that is too strong, then for a short time the repelling field can no longer align itself correctly and the ship glides uncontrolled on its flight path. Question: What will happen when the war begins? Hello. Cheers. In the next war humans won't be the issue, it will be between the race of aliens that want ultimate control over the raw materials on this planet and while we may not ultimately mater to her race a war here will involve her kind. Despite of our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to help the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming wars. In my gut I know something about this world and the things that happen around us isnt right, something clearly is blocked and is an illusion. We were in contact with them only 3 times in our whole history, because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. productos y aplicaciones. We do not know details about the interviewer. It's gold. Maybe they have aroused too much observation there. Something like Serve us or Obey? I believe that the concept of consciousness matrix is real due to some theories that can be proven by the effect of endless compression. I dont look for answers other than God because God is all-inclusive and contains all the questions and all the answers. Its possible there is a test station here on your continent. The Lacerta Files and contacting anyone (human or else) with - reddit Many people might be able to detect a high pitch ringing in the ears which may be them. These four white and very long processes on the underside of the ship itself portray a kind of quasi-gravitational light manipulation, i.e., the universal force field is being shifted in the direction of a simulated gravity. We have no different hair colors like you (but there is a tradition to colour the hairs in different ages) and the original colour is like mine a greenish brown. The fact she said only they could get in contact with us, that if we come near one of their entrances we are stuck, and that this interview was conducted over 10 years ago, leaves us in a pretty bad situation. The cavern was organized as a colony about 3000 years ago; a major portion of the ceiling structure is artificially integrated into the rock and the form was remodeled into an almost elegantly proportioned and very flat dome with an oval ground plan. Even the amplitude equalizations among genuine matter can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and the distance from the plane of the field are high enough. My general advice if you find yourself in a, for you, strange underground installation: run away as fast as you can. Your great scientists called the belief in us superstition and religion and todays intelligent humans have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past. Dogma in religion and science. The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions which can be used for example tohow should I express this to yougenerate antigravity. Answer: Well, OK then. So far the mummies of Nazca have not been identified as of details of their galactic race or their interaction with local people in Nazca. Can you say something to this? I dont know if she uses a computer. Some may not even know where planet Earth is, nor are interested in visiting it nor getting involved with its Ascension. To understand this reason, you must know that copper is a very important material for some advanced species (even today) because it is together with some unstable materials able to produce new stable elements if you induce a high electromagnetic field in the right angle with a high nuclear radiation field to produce an over-crossing of fluctuating fields. At that juncture of time, of course, I could not speak concretely with him about my knowledge because he wouldnt have believed mehe would have taken me for a human practical joker. Let me say, that we are not absolutely sure if there will be really such a hot war already in the next years. What had exactly happened when they arrived? Question: How many creatures of your kind live in this colony? Answer: Generally not. We watch nature and dont want to see it destroyed. If I would now try to change this, it would probably lead to an absolute confusion or to unconsciousness and I dont want to harm you. We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. The Lacerta Files Actual Alien Reptile Contact Series 2 Part 3 - 2017 - YouTube The Lacerta files is based on human contact with an Alien Reptile species. The Essene studied and gathered knowledge to uphold this mission. Imagine, if you will, a human body which is engulfed in bright flames for 3 or 4 of your days. This cave is half of circle, he say, that it is non-humans built, that it is maybe aliens. Lacerta Files | Majestic Wikia | Fandom In no way, shape or form, do I feel the need to kill them or let them be killed. I would not call myself enlightened but I seldom meet other human beings who really get it. The testing program reported defective sectors where strangely enough there were only data which dealt with illustrations and completed textual material from the interview. You can find descriptions and even simple drawings of us for also in the southern part of the American continent on various temples. Theres a muscle or lid over the ears which can completely close them (for example under water). Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges as a disk or a cylinder so that the field can flow more easily. Answer: Pleiades? I would appreciate it if we can end with this topic here. You cant rely on your mind in this case. "Beam me up, Scotty". Its been called many things by humans over the centuries. It can actively integrate with both. The way that lacerta pronounces her name emulates these voices. Although I do struggle to believe that they have such openings with some sort of false perception transmitters, as well as having them fitted on air/spacecraft. just not enough of us brave enough to step forward? (That term is synonymous, along with other things, with full physical strength.) Why the openness now? The humans were on their own and your civilization developed. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence nothing more, nothing less. One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. Did it have anything to do with the Roswell Incident?. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. Simply put, there are absolutely NO purely evil species. Obviously, there is someone of authority in her world that has gotten additional permission to allow her to meet us. Official science is a fundamentalist religion that protects the Establishment at any cost. lacerta files part 3 - But would one of you even though he were larger and more powerful than the one who stepped on the ant hill in the first place defend the meaningless ants? You have to imagine for yourself the viewpoint of the more highly advanced creatures. But then again, maybe not. Online Youtube to MP3 Converter - 11 from this universe, 2 from another bubble and 1 very advanced from a very different plain. Humans in power in this planet for the last 13 millennia have been nasty power elites, bloodlines, invadors and secret societies in service-to-self. In the case of a German version I would not need any support. We also enjoy swimming in very warm water or other liquids to rise our body temperature. K.. The Lacerta Files Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus' Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. I personally do not fear the reptilian breed or any breed because we are living beings alive. I have a few comments on the above. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. At Lacertas request, the original text of 31 pages was revised and shortened up to deal with some questions and answers. Answer: Why is it that ONLY I am able to explain strange human deeds? At the end there is a lot of uncertainty about reptilians and other species. Dont ask me for names, because nearly all are not pronounceable for you, eight of them are not pronounceable even for us. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. Share to Twitter. But why describe people who saw alien beings so many different and bizarre types of them? Thats not all that simple. I believe that they believe we are not done evolving. Fixing the tension between us and the reptilians. Kali Yuga is the End Times. When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this system, the humanoid colonists from Procyon tried to communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a global war started within months. Instead, you provide paragraphs and pages of gibberish and rehashed not even very creative science-fiction babble. Farewell. Social Studies, my ass. You must understand that both species were interested in this young planet not for his biology and undeveloped species, but for only one reason: raw material, especially copper. Is there any chance for the friendly reptilians to appear in the public if we could deal with most of our problems within 20 years? Lets call it a para-layer, for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. Maybe one day. Presumably a reconstruction of the original system by your scientists. One's heart often hopes toward the well-being of others, even those we do not really know. How do concrete paranormal powers arise? Who is the person who did the interview with Lacerta? The main difference between you and us is that we must eat flesh, because our body needs the proteins. Thank you for your patience, Miss Lacerta, in sharing your own thoughts in visiting with us in absentia. I cant expect from you that you believe my simple words without evidence, but I cant give you that evidence. In the case of not fully developed abilities, the danger of discovery by you would be too great. There is also a cord like your navel cord which is connected to a point hidden behind the back plates. They are a race that was believed to carry the pathogen virus HPV which causes cancer in humans. Back to our own history: the first species (the humanoids) had reached Earth around 150 years before the reptilians and they built some colonies on the former continents. A los malos se les permite actuar y hacer su papel para ayudarnos a despertar y a volvernos proactivos y en control y responsablidad de nuestras vidas. Apparently many of your modern civilized individuals are not in a position to think on their own, but rather let themselves be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of that ancient programming and part and parcel of the plan of the Illojim). Evolution had done this for your species already in the dinosaur age and a little bit later also for ours. In return, I can offer only respective acceptance and a calm spirit. Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. Humans need to work together, to evolve I believe is the point here. This shifting causes a tilting of the repulsing quasi-bipolar force, which now no longer flows to the interior of the force field, but rather flows partly to the exterior of the field. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. Well, nature was not very friendly to us and as far a we know from the 27 sub-species 24 were extinct in primitive wars and in evolution, because their organism and mind was not developed enough to survive and (as main reason) they were not able to change their blood temperature in the right way if the climate changed. The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. Meaning I have engaged in spiritual practices about the true nature of reality consciousness for the past 30 years. I could even demonstrate it on you, but you were really horrified and confused the last time, so well just leave it at an explanation. Whether you believe in a creator or not, most of us have respect, but at least empathy for other life forms. The Lacerta Files Jimmy Bergman, Owner, Sweden. Apr 28 2021 Length: 1 hr and 41 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary In 1999, Swedish men Ole K. and E.F. managed to score an interview with a Reptilian alien. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; its even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. Php 2:10. Unfortunately, the whole thing that I have explained to you in your words has come out to be rather primitive, Im afraid. Ive done this many times and you weak humans generally see me as an attractive brown-haired woman, because I have created this special mimicry image in my mind years ago and I can induce it into your minds without problems. The interview and the message that I understand was to get up to reality and to prepare for what will follow. lacerta files part 3 - Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. I would also like to know more about our hair and its purpose. According to your human time scale Im around 28 years old. This is extraordinary and a completely captivating dialogue. Its in fact our planet and not yours it was never yours. Dont you agree, this is also an example of the business regarding the question of good and evil? If this alien species is alive living under the earth, why did she choose you? I live in a small town, sometimes while in my home i hear voices comeing from the crawlspace. If so, the writer is a genius. Hopefully Ill hear from some one soon. Lacerta File II It is these people who will guard and preserve the visitors presence." That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. Part of the pronunciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which "family" (I must use the word, because you haven't the right one in your vocabulary) you belong. I am physicist and would like to need have a accurate translation to better understand the physical mechanisms described. It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. The original English version of the Lacerta Files is made available by Exopolitics Hong Kong, at as a free online book source (Downloadable here as Lacerta files ). (Thats a rather strange human word and not really correct, but you ought to understand it better this way.) Lets talk about UFOs. The native Americans, as we now call them, used to thank the earth for the food it profited them, they thanked the animal they killed for food. I call that more evolved than the Westerners that came and killed them. Luckily there is a strong push in the world for green energies, but hopefully it is not too late. This interview was done in person as far as the story goes. These obscure intentions are not really your fault; you are simply following for the most part what you have inherited from your ancestors. No, the original unedited material is not available. This cave is dark blue or something like blue and something like glass or cristal cave. Nosotros vivimos en un planeta prisin controlado desde adentro por las hordas anteriores y al frente por los Illuminati quienes controlan a los polticos, a las corporaciones y a las instituciones bancarias y financieras. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 in another isolated location. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. A knock on the door of the vehicle and on the tinted windows caused no reaction of any kind. Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures aboard. I suppose this is not the way you dress normally? According to Lacerta we are on our own, tough luck for us humans. The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because our retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this. lacerta files part 3. keras image_dataset_from_directory example . BVW is only in English and Spanish in the main website at present time. Genuine awareness can also exist here on the matter side, but only in the form of post-plasma {the fifth form of matter}. Were there any more interviews? A base was put in operation with regards to advancing the atomic weapons of the US in NM and three very powerful radar stations were installed in a sort of triangular area and the area was tagged as completely a NO-FLY ZONE area. They are definitely no danger for you or us. If you ask me, if Im an extraterrestrial, I must answer no. Please help, With that nickname you chose to identify yourself I doubt someone wants to contact you, don't you think? Maybe it's just me, but I catch a bee in a glass when it's trapped in my house, and set it free. I am now at the crossroads of where do I go from here. Last time, I had mentioned that highly-developed species which is capable of changing levels (which is something completely different from the simple bubble changing, for bubbles are a part of each and every level). Question: What have happened with the both alien species? If she wanted to warn us she would need to address the society in a way that her warning would be understood and accepted. Are you familiar with your quantum tunnel effect? I believe the experiments with DMT are proof we are one consciousness and can tap into a Universal knowledge to gain truth. First no one would be stepping or destroying the colony. And why this story is not true? Ill try it. The Elohim have genetically engineered and modified human races as have other ET races. Answer: Yes, but on a technical base. After all, Lacertas race is tens of millions of years old and they are telekinetic psychics at birth. NESARA/GESARA is in stand-by, it is not cancelled, only temporarily suspended. I have seen some strange stuff in my life I cant explain. That pleased me. If you receive it, please send it to all your friends via e-mail or make print-outs and copy them. More about that later.) This is not a typical comment platform, like YouTube, where people can runt and rave with no restriction; here we have to be respectful to each other and to pay attention to the answers given before jumping to fight. 148 millions of years time for the evolution of animal-like mammals, 2 millions of years time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you? Question: Ive read your full statement (which you have given to E.F.) about this, but can you give me now just a short answer: are UFOs real flying objects piloted by extraterrestrials or do they belong to your species? ITS ALL BEEN ONE GIANT LIE TO GENERATE INCOME FOR THE SO-CALLED LEADERS OF OUR DWELLING (THE LIERS). Relatively 'unfathomable' change is upon us all. Answer: Partly, especially when the aliens took egg and sperm samples from you. It depends on the enemy race and on their tactic. It is a dome-shaped cavern at a distance of about 4300 meters from the Earths surface. I want to learn about the universe and our own planet. I had fully expected those kinds of extreme reactions. Through natural and artificial crossbreeding these three species were united to one reptilian species and through the invention of genetic manipulations, we were able to eliminate the dividing-prone genes in our genetic structure.
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