Z. Yalniz, H. Jegou, K. Chen, M. Paluri, and D. Mahajan, Billion-scale semi-supervised learning for image classification, Z. Yang, W. W. Cohen, and R. Salakhutdinov, Revisiting semi-supervised learning with graph embeddings, Z. Yang, J. Hu, R. Salakhutdinov, and W. W. Cohen, Semi-supervised qa with generative domain-adaptive nets, Unsupervised word sense disambiguation rivaling supervised methods, 33rd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, R. Zhai, T. Cai, D. He, C. Dan, K. He, J. Hopcroft, and L. Wang, Adversarially robust generalization just requires more unlabeled data, X. Zhai, A. Oliver, A. Kolesnikov, and L. Beyer, Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, Making convolutional networks shift-invariant again, X. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Change Loy, and D. Lin, Polynet: a pursuit of structural diversity in very deep networks, X. Zhu, Z. Ghahramani, and J. D. Lafferty, Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions, Proceedings of the 20th International conference on Machine learning (ICML-03), Semi-supervised learning literature survey, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, B. Zoph, V. Vasudevan, J. Shlens, and Q. V. Le, Learning transferable architectures for scalable image recognition, Architecture specifications for EfficientNet used in the paper. 10687-10698 Abstract The performance drops when we further reduce it. CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) builds on a large body of work on zero-shot transfer, natural language supervision, and multimodal learning.The idea of zero-data learning dates back over a decade [^reference-8] but until recently was mostly studied in computer vision as a way of generalizing to unseen object categories. Finally, we iterate the algorithm a few times by treating the student as a teacher to generate new pseudo labels and train a new student. Summarization_self-training_with_noisy_student_improves_imagenet_classification. For this purpose, we use the recently developed EfficientNet architectures[69] because they have a larger capacity than ResNet architectures[23]. In other words, the student is forced to mimic a more powerful ensemble model. It has three main steps: train a teacher model on labeled images use the teacher to generate pseudo labels on unlabeled images Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. We find that using a batch size of 512, 1024, and 2048 leads to the same performance. To date (2020) we will introduce "Noisy Student Training", which is a state-of-the-art model.The idea is to extend self-training and Distillation, a paper that shows that by adding three noises and distilling multiple times, the student model will have better generalization performance than the teacher model. Next, with the EfficientNet-L0 as the teacher, we trained a student model EfficientNet-L1, a wider model than L0. Self-Training With Noisy Student Improves ImageNet Classification Ranked #14 on In our implementation, labeled images and unlabeled images are concatenated together and we compute the average cross entropy loss. This is probably because it is harder to overfit the large unlabeled dataset. - : self-training_with_noisy_student_improves_imagenet_classification Self-Training for Natural Language Understanding! As we use soft targets, our work is also related to methods in Knowledge Distillation[7, 3, 26, 16]. When the student model is deliberately noised it is actually trained to be consistent to the more powerful teacher model that is not noised when it generates pseudo labels. Figure 1(c) shows images from ImageNet-P and the corresponding predictions. ImageNet images and use it as a teacher to generate pseudo labels on 300M When data augmentation noise is used, the student must ensure that a translated image, for example, should have the same category with a non-translated image. For example, without Noisy Student, the model predicts bullfrog for the image shown on the left of the second row, which might be resulted from the black lotus leaf on the water. Then, that teacher is used to label the unlabeled data. We present Noisy Student Training, a semi-supervised learning approach that works well even when labeled data is abundant. On ImageNet, we first train an EfficientNet model on labeled images and use it as a teacher to generate pseudo labels for 300M unlabeled images. To achieve this result, we first train an EfficientNet model on labeled Noisy Student Training is based on the self-training framework and trained with 4 simple steps: Train a classifier on labeled data (teacher). The proposed use of distillation to only handle easy instances allows for a more aggressive trade-off in the student size, thereby reducing the amortized cost of inference and achieving better accuracy than standard distillation. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. On robustness test sets, it improves ImageNet-A top-1 accuracy from 61.0% to 83.7%, reduces ImageNet-C mean corruption error from 45.7 to 28.3, and reduces ImageNet-P mean flip rate from 27.8 to 12.2. Figure 1(b) shows images from ImageNet-C and the corresponding predictions. These CVPR 2020 papers are the Open Access versions, provided by the. Aerial Images Change Detection, Multi-Task Self-Training for Learning General Representations, Self-Training Vision Language BERTs with a Unified Conditional Model, 1Cademy @ Causal News Corpus 2022: Leveraging Self-Training in Causality Work fast with our official CLI. The biggest gain is observed on ImageNet-A: our method achieves 3.5x higher accuracy on ImageNet-A, going from 16.6% of the previous state-of-the-art to 74.2% top-1 accuracy. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Noisy Student improves adversarial robustness against an FGSM attack though the model is not optimized for adversarial robustness. Authors: Qizhe Xie, Minh-Thang Luong, Eduard Hovy, Quoc V. Le Description: We present a simple self-training method that achieves 88.4% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, which is 2.0% better than the state-of-the-art model that requires 3.5B weakly labeled Instagram images. On ImageNet, we first train an EfficientNet model on labeled images and use it as a teacher to generate pseudo labels for 300M unlabeled images. However an important requirement for Noisy Student to work well is that the student model needs to be sufficiently large to fit more data (labeled and pseudo labeled). The score is normalized by AlexNets error rate so that corruptions with different difficulties lead to scores of a similar scale. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Different types of. This way, we can isolate the influence of noising on unlabeled images from the influence of preventing overfitting for labeled images. Semi-supervised medical image classification with relation-driven self-ensembling model. On . In contrast, changing architectures or training with weakly labeled data give modest gains in accuracy from 4.7% to 16.6%. Lastly, we follow the idea of compound scaling[69] and scale all dimensions to obtain EfficientNet-L2. Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification To noise the student, we use dropout[63], data augmentation[14] and stochastic depth[29] during its training. But during the learning of the student, we inject noise such as data Using Noisy Student (EfficientNet-L2) as the teacher leads to another 0.8% improvement on top of the improved results. (2) With out-of-domain unlabeled images, hard pseudo labels can hurt the performance while soft pseudo labels leads to robust performance. You signed in with another tab or window. We verify that this is not the case when we use 130M unlabeled images since the model does not overfit the unlabeled set from the training loss. w Summary of key results compared to previous state-of-the-art models. Soft pseudo labels lead to better performance for low confidence data. For classes where we have too many images, we take the images with the highest confidence. Noisy StudentImageNetEfficientNet-L2state-of-the-art. Noisy Student Training is based on the self-training framework and trained with 4 simple steps: For ImageNet checkpoints trained by Noisy Student Training, please refer to the EfficientNet github. We then train a larger EfficientNet as a student model on the combination of labeled and pseudo labeled images. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Noisy Student Training extends the idea of self-training and distillation with the use of equal-or-larger student models and noise added to the student during learning. During the learning of the student, we inject noise such as dropout, stochastic depth, and data augmentation via RandAugment to the student so that the student generalizes better than the teacher. Self-Training With Noisy Student Improves ImageNet Classification Self-training with noisy student improves imagenet classification, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 10687-10698, (2020 . This way, the pseudo labels are as good as possible, and the noised student is forced to learn harder from the pseudo labels. Noisy Students performance improves with more unlabeled data. over the JFT dataset to predict a label for each image. Please refer to [24] for details about mCE and AlexNets error rate. Imaging, 39 (11) (2020), pp. Self-Training With Noisy Student Improves ImageNet Classification The Wilds 2.0 update is presented, which extends 8 of the 10 datasets in the Wilds benchmark of distribution shifts to include curated unlabeled data that would be realistically obtainable in deployment, and systematically benchmark state-of-the-art methods that leverage unlabeling data, including domain-invariant, self-training, and self-supervised methods. We hypothesize that the improvement can be attributed to SGD, which introduces stochasticity into the training process. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. This result is also a new state-of-the-art and 1% better than the previous best method that used an order of magnitude more weakly labeled data [ 44, 71]. As can be seen, our model with Noisy Student makes correct and consistent predictions as images undergone different perturbations while the model without Noisy Student flips predictions frequently. Noisy Student Training achieves 88.4% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, which is 2.0% better than the state-of-the-art model that requires 3.5B weakly labeled Instagram images. On ImageNet, we first train an EfficientNet model on labeled images and use it as a teacher to generate pseudo labels for 300M unlabeled images. We use EfficientNet-B0 as both the teacher model and the student model and compare using Noisy Student with soft pseudo labels and hard pseudo labels. 2023.3.1_2 - Especially unlabeled images are plentiful and can be collected with ease. [^reference-9] [^reference-10] A critical insight was to . Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification After testing our models robustness to common corruptions and perturbations, we also study its performance on adversarial perturbations. Our work is based on self-training (e.g.,[59, 79, 56]).