First shown on-screen during Homestuck's third act, Shaenon Garrity described Jade as "the most recalcitrant" of the four kids. One speculation for the class is one who creates [aspect] or one who creates through [aspect] for the betterment of others. Crocker's classpect is the Maid of Life. Kanaya is a jade-blood. Her classpect is Witch of Space, and being a space player, she creates the Genesis Frog of her session. Q4: You're bored of browsing the internet constantly, and in a fit of inspiration decide to make a video game instead, learning how to code, make art, and compose music along the way, if necessary. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. It is assumed that their active (-) counterpart is the Witch, as both John and Jade can seemingly change (with) their aspects, John by initially using the Windy Thing unintentionally and by the will of his aspect, and Jade by changing the form of objects by shrinking/enlarging them. Alternately, a Mage could be one who uses [aspect] to the benefit of others, but to the detriment of themselves. Alternatively, a Mage may display the absence of their aspect. It could also be speculated that the Muse class is based on the traditional role of a muse: to inspire. What do you hope your land is like? "[5] She is Equius' moirail, or pacifying platonic soulmate, and has a crush on Karkat. Aranea, in Act 6 Intermission 5, describes the two options Yaldabaoth offers Caliborn in The Choice. Cronus destroyed his own "hope" or fantasy of being a wizard. Where burgundy-blooded trolls are common and fall at the bottom of the social hierarchy, fuchsia blood is exceptionally rare, and its carriers sit at the top of the hierarchy. They lie at the core of our beings, fueling our love and hate, our passions and interests. Vriska, the Thief of Light, is notable for stealing "luck" from her allies or enemies, and in doing so makes an outcome fall into her favor. [3] Elliott Dunstan of Monkeys Fighting Robots said, "the sheer number of characters and possible interactions can get overwhelming", and that each fan ends up with a favorite cast member. 3) Dirk destroys Jane's romantic chances with Jake, forcing her to come to terms with her timid and go-with-the-flow personality so that she can become a stronger and more decisive person in the future. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. Thus, Equius himself died to inherit the true strength of his aspect. Eridan can also be viewed in this way, as he forcefully destroyed Hope in his destruction of the Matriorb and killing members of the troll group, but in so doing forced them out of the lingering depression and inertia caused by their failures in creating the B1 universe and the unleashed dog-Jack killing their dream-selves. We've got pretty little info on what the titles really mean, so it's all fairly subjective. She lives in a cave with her lusus, and is known for acting like a cat. The Six Major Functions that the classes represent, or in other terms, the 6 possible ways of interacting with any given object, situation or environment. Alternatively, in the Bard/Prince pairing, both classes cause destruction, with Bards bringing about/catalyzing the destruction, and Princes directly destroying. [23] Creatrix Tiara of Autostraddle noted that Hussie was highly successful with creating a diverse LGBT cast, by writing the characters in a "realistic, non-fetishistic manner." Known Sylphs are Kanaya Maryam, the Sylph of Space; and Aranea Serket, the Sylph of Light. Hussie invented an alien species, called trolls, that have a unique culture. Simplistically, active means self-serving, passive means group oriented, where active classes employ or affect their aspect directly and for their own gain, and passive classes are affected by their aspect, and work to benefit their team. Caliborn, of course, as an active player, chooses the more active choice: to prove himself through a series of trials before receiving unconditional immortality and a limitless supply of power, "to destroy anything he wanted, for as long as he wanted". What do you throw into the kernelsprite? Jack Noir, along with Jade Harley, was unable to pick up the source of his scent, as if the Breeze was protecting him. iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. As you comprehend the gravity of the situation, it laughs a very evil, horsey laugh. Kanaya's romantic relationship with Rose Lalonde is one of the most popular canon same-sex relationships in the webcomic, commonly referred to as "Rosemary. It is speculated that heirs are ones who invite change through [aspect]; they are apparently drawn to their aspect, subconsciously seeking it. Aradia could also use her time powers to freeze Jack in time, thus protecting herself with time. John throughout the story was referred to as a wizard, and had connections with the mythic archetype of a Magician like the Witch; such as familiars. Calliope states that some more strongly passive or active than others. It is a vague concept with some flexibility, however Calliope gives two examples of this pairing dichotomy: Connections to Homestuck. Speaking of Terezi, In Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 2 he was able to momentarily destroy her Rage in which led her to be brutally beaten by him. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. He also claims that he is destined to go blind before dying,[HS 15] a claim which later proves to be partially true. The god tier outfit for Princes seems to consist of pantaloons and a tiara, much like an ordinary prince, despite the class's non-literal nature. What are you going to do now, once you've grabbed a weapon and beat up a few imps for experience? Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. Find out with this quiz. You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. Dirk (albeit the splintered version of Dirk that exists only within Jake's subconscious) reveals that Pages have a lot of untapped potential and once they find this potential within them they are adept at using it. Another definition is that a Mage is one who creates [aspect]. Who would your ideal co-player/co-player(s) be? Calliope has stated that these two classes are significantly more powerful than the others[citationneeded], and that these are the classes she and Caliborn have. The Heir outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. Also, in place of other players, Caliborn, as the Lord of Time, has several underlings with time-themed powers and apparently must learn to command them in order to make any progress in his session. This is later seen to be definitely true as all known seers have been known to gain information from the experiences of their alternate selves. Maids may also be the active (-) counterpart to the Sylph class, being healers or repairers, as Sylph appears to be a healer class. [9] He wields a sword (using the strife specibus Bladekind). Ginger Nettle Slippery Elm, bitches. Karkat has his "shouty angry leader" act, in part because of the aspirations he had to become a leader- aspirations that are speculated to be a means for him to deal with otherwise debilitating self deprecation on account of his mutated blood. [5] Homestuck trolls are by default bi- or pansexual; this normalization has been described by a fan as "incredible for all the bi and gay kids out there seeing loads of couples that don't think twice about how they're dating somebody of the same gender of themselves. some more strongly passive or active than others. Discover the MBTI personality type of 147 popular Homestuck (Web Comics) characters and find out which ones you are most like! At the same time, you see your co-player's house off in the distance being assaulted by high-level enemies. Dave has so far saved the lives of all the members of his team. His . This would directly enact the idea of a page being weak at first but having extreme potential. She is a burgundy-blood: the lowest ranking blood color on the hemospectrum with the shortest lifespan of all trolls, but also the most likely to have psychic powers. His astrological sign is Cancer. It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. The name Sollux Captor is a reference to the brightest two stars in Gemini, Pollux and Castor. Bards are somewhat stranger, in that they "allow destruction of [aspect]" or "invite destruction through [aspect]". He also mentions that the knowledge of offshoot timeline outcomes are fully within their domains. His blood was used to block out information in Rose's tome, and his death can be seen as a pun on his title, as he was killed by being rendered "Void of Air". Gamzee is a purple-blooded troll with strong ties to his religious faith, referred to as the "Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs". His classpect is Heir of Void. Dave represented their lack of time. [HS 18] The name Nepeta is a reference to the Genus name for the plant Catnip. Aradia, when talking to Sollux, mentioned that the reason she was accompanying Vriska on her mission to find Lord English's treasure was because all loops must be tidied up even his. At least 2 of the remaining classes would therefore have to be female-exclusive, in order to balance the number of known male-exclusive classes (presumably Witch and Maid, given the feminine connotations). several underlings with time-themed powers. Equius is presented as an indigo-blooded robotics expert with an unnatural amount of strength. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. They often do not have to work as . Dave is the fictional creator of Hussie's spin-off webcomic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, in-jokes of which are featured frequently in Homestuck. You're curious and sleep-deprived enough to download the file without thinking too much about the potential consequences. Wow, I forgot those existed. Its placement on the passive/active scale is unknown, although most speculate it to be passive (+). A Dersite dedicated to the ideals of justice and law enforcement. Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. The exact definition of the Mage class is unknown, as is its passive/active alignment. Her astrological sign is Leo. All seen Maids have been female. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. Characters may even have multiple versions of themselves active in the story simultaneously, both dead and alive. [HS 14] Tavros' ancestral figure, Rufioh, was inspired by the character Rufio from the 1991 film Hook. Classpect Mage Mage symbolizes a full of energetic, dominating, and thoughtful class. In the pre-scratch session, however, the Mage was the only one of the pair to lose one of their sensesMeulin's hearing. A 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. [citation needed] Her classpect is Rogue of Heart. In fact, taking all of the above points together, it may be suggested that the two master classes are at least partially codified by the ability of the player to influence events indirectly. The Mage class is most commonly thought to be the active (-) counterpart to Seer, someone that "benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" and "guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]," like how Sollux actively led the surviving trolls away from their doom. Enter Your Name Start Quiz By MetaXing -THIEF- The active stealing class, Thieves are the players that "steal their aspect from others for use it for their own benefit" they often feel the need to steal the glory, they are usually arrogant, selfish, and impulsive people often operating with little self control. Lord and Muse classes will not be included due to them only being assigned in special cases and not according to personality. [12], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Homestuck: The most popular comic you've never heard of", "Behind Andrew Hussie's Homestuck Adventure Game", "Into The Hive Mind: Fandom==> Descend Into Madness", "The ironic awfulness off 'Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff', "Bisexual Trolls and Non-Binary Sprites: The Power of LGBTQ Visibility in "Homestuck", "HomeStuck: Info & Explanations Hemospectrum", "From Homestuck to Hollywood, actor Dante Basco breaks the mold", "10 of the Most Hardcore, Eyepatch Wearing Characters in Geekdom", "My question for @andrewhussie is who is Ms. Act 6 Intermission 3 implies that both non-God Tier and God Tier Seers can use tarot decks to enhance their sight powers. The 12 classes and their passive/active alignment are believed to be connected with Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's mythic Archetypes. All of the known Sylphs and Witches are friendly, even-tempered or perhaps inconsequential on the surface (Feferi, Jade, Aranea, Kanaya, Damara before she was corrupted), but they were actually all surprisingly powerful in some way, and could get really fiery if you pushed them to their limits. Even though sloppy is fine, it might be a bit of a good idea to arrange this particular page because, to be quite frank, as it is right now, it is just absolute garbage. He is the one who programs Sgrub (the troll version of Sburb) from the code Aradia found. The exact definition of the Page class is currently unknown, as is its passive/active alignment, though it is hinted that the class "provides others with [aspect]" or "creates [aspect]" as seen here. [6] Rose forms a relationship with, and marries in Act 7, the troll Kanaya Maryam during the events of Homestuck. The exact definition of the Witch class is unknown. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. This corroborates the idea that Pages are extremely powerful, once they realize their potential. His associated zodiac sign is Aquarius (), and his horns are wavy which represent his associated symbol. Please note that although this may be an accurate quiz, your result may not line up with your personality completely. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii homestuck class personalities. As the Condesce, in A2, she was able to lengthen the lifespans of others, possibly indefinitely, on a whim. [HS 12] He is shown to have an interest in fairy tales and fantasy stories, notably Pupa Pan, the Alternian equivalent of Peter Pan,[HS 13] and also has the ability to commune with animals. [HS 8] After her robot body explodes, she is one of the only trolls to go god-tier. If Caliborn's rant is anything to go by, progressing as a Lord involves excruciating effort and a large amount of suffering. more directly cognizant of their exiles' commands. Latula's "rad girl gamer" act fits with this pattern as well, as it was noted by Aranea in Openbound 1 that the Knight had lost her sense of smell. Likewise, its passive/active alignments are unknown. [3] The four main characters are presented as Internet friends who have technically never met one another, but interact through an online chat application.[4][5]. So Knights use their aspect to battle, but they might use it for some other things as well. His classpect is Prince of Hope. They deal with the redistribution of an aspect; while the active Thief will steal or take their aspect for themselves, the passive Rogue will generally take it then distribute it to someone or something outside of themselves. Maids are the only class seen with two colors (not including multiple shades of the same color) on the shoes that are unique to the rest of the outfit. What kind of video game do you decide to make? Who Is Homestuck? Homestuck aims to normalize and humanize internet cultures that are usually disfavored and rejected. The character is described as "ruthless, manipulative [and] powerful", and was considered among the "most hardcore" eyepatch-wearing fictional characters by The Mary Sue. Homestuck mentions 14 modules in which 12 classes belong to normal classes while 2 are master classes. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. It shares this quality with the Heir, Rogue and Maid outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. One night, before entering Sgrub, an incident occurs which kills her lusus (caretaker); eventually it is revealed that this also killed Aradia, turning her into a ghost and causing her to lose interest in everything she enjoyed prior, including archaeology, and focus instead on acquiring and playing Sgrub. Some of the outfits are wrong and I'll probably update those someday maybe are left intact for historical purposes. A powerful psychic with an ability to speak with the dead, Aradia is responsible for recovering the code for Sgrub, the troll version of Sburb, from some ruins. Homestuck Classes and Personalities: Heir: Heir's personalities are very diverse- their personality is more ruled by their aspect than their class. [12] Many more sprites appear throughout the story, the most notable of which are Tavrisprite, Erisolsprite, and Jasprosesprite^2. You know they're inside, and their dreamself is dead. At least, you think it was evil. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes! She has a great interest in fashion, and is thematically strongly influenced by the Virgin Mary, taking on a motherly role towards the other trolls, particularly Karkat. Yet another interpretation is that a Maid is one who gives [aspect]. She tends to speak and write in a formal, overwrought manner, as if to demonstrate her knowledge. Sollux heard the voices of the imminently dead (the doomed), and Meulin, despite being deaf, is able to communicate with her ex-matesprit; in essence, she could hear his soul (which could be taken literally, given his use of telepathy, she hears his self). Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. Both of those instances Sollux causes Doom by programming, an activity that he is very knowledgeable about. Paint and why has she not shown up in her own Adventures", "A Guide for the 'Homestuck' First-Timer", "What Is Homestuck? Aradia, as the Maid of Time, used time travel to avert doomed timelines, thus "repairing" the timeline, and Jane, as the Maid of Life, healed herself using her powers, which is similar to Aranea's use of light to heal people. Equius can be seen as such an example, as he had all the capabilities (great engineer, impossibly strong) and strong convictions (his belief in the hemospectrum based caste system) to be a most active element in the game and in the story, but by being an Heir of Void, he ended up just being a smaller presence. Before their falling out, he can calm Karkat (a rage-aholic) when no one else can and destroying his rage directly. He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline. All seen Sylphs have been female, however whether the Sylph class is exclusively female is unknown. Mages could also be speculated as one who receives knowledge from [aspect] as opposed to the Seer's one who gains knowledge through [aspect]. It's a plant personality quiz. Feferi was able to establish an afterlife through dream bubbles, therefore breaking the rules of Life. Calliope has stated there to be equal numbers of male-exclusive and female-exclusive classes, as well as implying that the number of commonly-male and commonly-female classes are balanced. Seated at a desk in front of you is a white horse with no facial features and a green bow tie. She is teal-blooded and portrayed as an avid role-player and has a strong sense of justice. The Bard is also quite the wildcard, unpredictable by nature and thus equally likely to help or hinder his party, often to great effect. Known Pages are Jake English, the Page of Hope; Tavros Nitram, the Page of Breath; and Horuss Zahhak, the Page of Void. His ancestor is Orphaner Dualscar, who he named his Flarp character after. The tale of Calliope's tragedy, for example, inspired hundreds of souls to seek her out, or, at the very least, to seek a way to kill Caliborn. Maid could refer to "protecting/cleaning up/tidying [aspect]". Now that you've made a new universe and achieved godhood, you're kinda bored, and decide to mess around a bit. [7] His weapon of choice is a hammer (strife specibus Hammerkind). Despite being known to be a miracle worker when it comes to match making, Meulin's own romantic history ironically is riddled with trouble and heartbreak. Which is your class? Witches might choose "which" portion of their aspect they want, such as Jade choosing which Space to occupy, including traveling to another session, and Feferi choosing which Life to lead.