[17] The Wall Street Journal's William McGurn praised the film in an op-ed piece, calling it a "stunning liberal expos of a system that consigns American children who most need a decent education to our most destructive public schools. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lets get started. /Filter /FlateDecode >> I said mommy wanted you to stay in your school and she finished my sentence. RHEE: I do. American schools face frequent budget cuts, but its not all about the money. It's going to be mommy's job to get you another school that's better. /T1_0 52 0 R UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Vergosa, Andrew. Because politically, these -- the things that we were doing, closing down schools, firing teachers, moving principals, those were not politically popular things to do. So there are teachers who are having this debate within the spectrum of your organization. The answer is we need great public education for all of our schools. [8], Roger Ebert gave the film 3.5 stars out of 4 and wrote, "What struck me most of all was Geoffrey Canada's confidence that a charter school run on his model can make virtually any first-grader a high school graduate who's accepted to college. Were here to talk about the movie, to talk about education. Coming up next, MSNBC's going to re-air the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams. We increased graduation rates. But as long as we try to pretend that all teachers are the same, and that there are not great teachers and not so great teachers, then we are never going to be able to solve the problems. SCARBOROUGH: You guys were great. The movie's major villains are the National [31] Ravitch served as a board member with the NAEP and says that "the NAEP doesn't measure performance in terms of grade-level achievement," as claimed in the film, but only as "advanced," "proficient," and "basic." endobj Thanks to all of our guests. I'd like to follow up by asking you, that on "MEET THE PRESS" this morning, you said the union has taken steps to make teachers better, taken concrete steps. Having said that, we have all done too much about focusing on bad teachers. ANTHONY: I stayed back one grade. RHEE: Yes, that's right. Teaching standards are called into question as there is often conflicting bureaucracy between teaching expectations at the school, state, or federal level. Webwaiting for superman full transcriptred gomphrena globosa magical properties 27 februari, 2023 / i beer fermentation stages / av / i beer fermentation stages / av If I get in, they give me a better chance in life. But you did. SCARBOROUGH: It really is. He wrote "Shine," the theme song for "Waiting For Superman." Waiting for "Superman" premiered in the US on September 24, 2010, in theaters in New York and Los Angeles, with a rolling wider release that began on October 1, 2010. Since many charter schools are not large enough to accept all of their applicants, the selection of students is done by lottery. Waiting for Superman /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] "[19] Forbes' Melik Kaylan similarly liked the film, writing, "I urge you all to drop everything and go see the documentary Waiting For "Superman" at the earliest opportunity. WebShop for waiting for superman documentary transcript filetype:lua at Best Buy. I get to spend a lot of time with the kids. I love teachers. You've done an amazing job there in Harlem. First, I loved that town hall today. Rhee said that only a small number of teachers and principals cheated. You cannot say -- you can't say, well, the problem with charter schools is they only serve some of the kids when in fact you are advocating for caps on those effective charter schools. /Properties << Webwaiting for superman movie transcript+filetype:ppt+filetype:pdf. >> John leads the show me campaign which is dedicated to raising awareness and highlighting successful schools. How do we spread that from Harlem across America? That means politically get involved. BRZEZINSKI: Exactly. SCARBOROUGH: Right. >> WEINGARTEN: We need to help them do that for all of our kids. WAITING,FOR,SUPERMAN,DOCUMENTARY,TRANSCRIPT The video explores several of the problems within the system, and tells the personal stories of several families and communities who have been impacted and disadvantaged by the broken education system. Kids coming into middle school and fifth grade with first grade reading abilities, leaving in eighth grade with a 100 percent proficiency, outscoring kids in Scarsdale, New York. We've been talking about the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams earlier today. Judith and Jose have decided to enter Daisy into the Kipp lottery. As young as Bianca is, she too displays this look of defeat as her name is not called (Guggenheim 1:32:56). SCARBOROUGH: You were on the board for Harlem Village Academy. SCARBOROUGH: Crying uncontrollably because it is unbelievable, some of the conditions that our kids are forced to learn in right now. Of course, Washington has problems going back decades. DAISY: I want to be a nurse. Waiting for "Superman" - Wikipedia Be the first to contribute. And while our guests enter the stage, let's show you a little clip of the movie, because "Waiting For Superman" is about our system, but what really gets to you in this movie is the individual stories of each child. endobj Only 3 out of 100 students at Roosevelt will graduate with the necessary classes for admission to a four year university. >> SCARBOROUGH: We really had. It was not simply about education. What happened there? BRZEZINSKI: All right. SCARBOROUGH: Why is it -- [ applause ] why is it that you have an area like Washington, D.C. that is 12 percent proficient in math? The contract says she has to go. What's amazing about these tears, I knew about the film for months and just knowing the system, I knew how it was going to end. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] /Im0 19 0 R I went up and I saw a revolution, a revolution that you helped start. I think the question about whether school reform can continue at as an aggressive rate under him is whether hes going to be able to stand up to the fact that SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you this Michelle. >> We should let Randi respond. Michelle and I love great teachers. /T1_1 20 0 R WebWaiting For Superman (871) 7.4 1 h 51 min 2010 X-Ray PG The lives of five Harlem and Bronx families in the high stakes lottery for access to New York City's best charter We love good teachers. BRZEZINSKI: They were picked off the street in a lottery. People -- but this room needs to get bigger. We're in a crisis. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think she can do it? SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, let me ask you this. Waiting For "Superman" is an inside look at the problems with education in America. So the kids who came to us in 8 plus 3 they would couldn't the like this. /Parent 1 0 R WebGenre: Documentary Waiting for 'Superman' Screenplay Edit Buy Year: 2010 4,775 Views Geoffrey Canada: One of the saddest days of my life was when my mother told me [30] In Ayers' view, the "corporate powerhouses and the ideological opponents of all things public" have employed the film to "break the teacher's unions and to privatize education," while driving teachers' wages even lower and running "schools like little corporations. And that's something that no parent wants their child to ever be a witness or to hear when they're going to school. It was about a whole range of other issues. Our guests will include Governor Chris Christie, Newark Mayor Corey Booker and U.S. secretary of education Arne Duncan. They have to go see this movie and have smaller conversations like this. DAISY: I want to go to a medical college or a veterinarian college because I really want to become a surgeon. You know, in Washington, D.C., under Mayor Fenty who arguably I think is the most courageous politician we have on these education reform issues, we did everything, arguably, that people wanted to see. /TrimBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Educ 300: Education Reform, Past and Present, an undergraduate course with Professor Jack Dougherty at Trinity College, Hartford CT. David GuggenheimsWaiting for Supermanlooks at how theAmerican public school system is failing its students and displays how reformers have attempted to solve this problem. GEOFFREY CANADA, PRES. These high-performing charters are going in and they're reaching every kid and they're sending 90 percent of their kids to college. 1h 51m. /ExtGState << /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] The most influential scene during this segment is when one of the students, Bianca, and her mother, Nakia, wait for Biancas name to be called as the lottery nears the end. Documentary: Waiting for Superman What were the results of the kids who came in and were about to graduate this June, late May, what is the change that has happened with these children? /Filter /FlateDecode /Parent 1 0 R Why is that such a frightening concept? BRZEZINSKI: Youre outnumbered. Because what is wrong with what he's saying? /Type /Pages BRZEZINSKI: When the results came down, we watched you respond, we watched her respond. You do not come off as the hero of this movie. We're going to do it with a man who made this film and some of the people who were in it. The principal wants her to stay. [3], Geoffrey Canada describes his journey as an educator and recounts the story of his devastation when, as a child, he discovers that Superman is fictional, that "there is no one coming with enough power to save us.". CANADA: Sure. Teachers in this country want to make a difference in the lives of kids. BRZEZINSKI: Why didn't you want her to go to a regular public school in your neighborhood? We increased attendance rates. But, Mondello BRZEZINSKI: Is that a fair shot, Randi? Waiting for 'Superman waiting for superman movie transcript Joe and I saw the movie a few days ago and we literally walked up Broadway, I think it was, in complete silence, both feeling very twisted and angry about what we had seen. This film follows five children and documents them to see what their lives and schools are like. Final words with our panel, next after a short break. << And Im not going to pretend that you can just come in and snap your fingers and things are going to get better overnight. /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) Last Friday night I watched Davis Guggenheims new documentary, Teach, which was broadcast in on CBS.Guggenheim, you may recall, is the filmmaker who brought us Waiting For Superman, the shameless propaganda-fest that signaled the full-on nuclear stage of the corporate-driven war on public education (also known as the
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