% Unvaccinated undergraduate students who are living on/off campus or who are coming to campus regularly must register and test twice weekly. Ideally, tests should be taken three days apart. /Width 590 Tresidder Memorial Union June 24, 2023 >> /Count 1 Beginning August 27, 2021, all graduate and professional students who live on/off campus (regardless of enrollment or vaccination status) or who are coming to campus regularly must register and test once weekly withColor Genomics. Students may pick up rapid antigen tests at the Arrillaga Family Dining Commons testing site. 419 0 obj If you have questions about whether you should receive a booster, discuss your personal health situation with your primary care physician. Protect children and teenagers from COVID-19 and support their mental health. /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] Here's a quick summary of our winter public health guidance. Staff will check your badge before giving you the tests. /ParentTreeNextKey 1 5 0 obj 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R 54 0 R 55 0 R 56 0 R 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R 9 0 obj If you cannot access the content on this page, please contact covid-dashboard@lists.stanford.edu to obtain the data in alternate formats. Students with a high fever or other severe symptoms should instead contactVaden Health Servicesor another healthcare provider for evaluation and testing. 11 0 obj Early Music Singers: Jacob Handl Through the Liturgical Year - Stanford << Quarantine Quarantine is used when you have not yet been diagnosed with COVID by a confirmatory test, but have symptoms and we want to prevent exposing others. to pick up office equipment, drop off paperwork, etc.) All Stanford faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars, including those working remotely in the United States, and applicable subcontractors arerequired to befully vaccinated for COVID-19 andupload documentation on Health Check, unless they have a medical or religious accommodation. Surveillance testing for Stanford faculty, staff and postdocs. For additional information please visit theHealth Alerts page on COVID-19 surveillance testing for faculty, staff, and postdocs, 450 Jane Stanford Way Dashboards provide aggregated results for the Stanford community. stream >> For feedback about this website, please email digital-strategy@stanford.edu. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Learn More about MyHealth If you are experiencing symptoms, information about seeking care is availablehere. If you have any trouble registering with Color, please submit a ServiceNow ticket. Stanford strongly recommends wearing masks in classrooms, indoors, and in crowded outdoor spaces. /Filter /FlateDecode At the start of the pandemic through early September 2020, Stanford reported on its website a cumulative number of COVID-19 cases the university was aware of among faculty, staff, students and postdoctoral scholars, living in any location and receiving a test result through any provider. /Type /StructElem 3 0 obj endobj << Register for the Color testing program ( here) Use your primary Stanford email address 2. For example, if you pick up a test kit on Monday, but do not want to use it until Wednesday, wait until Wednesday to activate the kit. Please visitStudent Affairs COVID testing pagefor more information. All students can pick up masks for individual use at Arrillaga Family Dining Commons and Environmental Health & Safety testing sites. The graphic displays of surveillance testing results only reflect results from the testing sources listed and do not include data from other testing providers. /Creator (Canva) Color testing is provided at no charge to students. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, contact your healthcare provider immediately. 2 8 5 San t a T eresa St, S ta nfo rd . This surveillance testing program is intended for individuals who are NOT experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. To pick up rapid tests, youll need your Stanford ID and cell phone. : Why We Compare Ourselves to Others (And How to Stop), In the Spotlight: Effectively Coping with Anxiety, Tip of the Month: How to Support Your Peers, Sleep Corner: Struggling to Get Out of Bed These Days? 59 results in SearchWorks catalog - searchworks.stanford.edu CVS. SLAC has developed safety protocols and requirements that adhere to the requirements by Stanford University, the Department of Energy, and the CDC, while allowing SLAC personnel, staff, researchers, subcontractors, and business visitors the best ability to continue doing science and working safety. For feedback about this website, please email digital-strategy@stanford.edu. We provide recent and historic metrics for both students and employees since the onset of COVID with comparative measures to the surrounding area. Access your health information from any device with MyHealth. Beginning September 20, 2021, participation in Stanford's surveillance testing program is required for all faculty, staff and postdocs authorized to work on-site at a Stanford location in Santa Clara or San Mateo counties (which includes the main Stanford campus and Stanford Redwood City), regardless of vaccination status. endobj How Do I Let Students Know That I Care About Them, and That They Can Talk to Me? /Font << Find out more information by using the Learn More button below. If your first COVID-19 test results are negative, repeat the test 48 hours later. Learn More about MyHealth Access your health information from any device with MyHealth. /K 6 0 R For mild respiratory symptoms, testing before travel or a medical procedure, or if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please consider using an at-home antigen test (which is normally the best course even when PCR testing is available). >> If possible, use a separate bathroom and avoid sharing personal household items. Cumulative tests reflects the total number of tests performed, not the number of individuals tested. Stanford Health Care is providing COVID-19 vaccinations for eligible populations. PDF WHO is eligible? HOW to test - med.stanford.edu For more assistance with kit activation and self-swab directions, review. 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R This site provides the Stanford community with important updates related to COVID-19. endstream endobj startxref The data below is from student-reported positive tests, Color or Stanford PCR testing. Building 420 /Subtype /Image "Activate, Collect and Drop Off" your kit all on the same day. /K [19 0 R] What You Need to Know. : The Power of Gratitude, In the Spotlight: 5-SURE is Ready to Keep You and Your Peers Safe, Tip of the Month: How to Ease Test Anxiety. /ExtGState << Fully vaccinated employees working on-site at least one day per week will be required to test once per week. Students who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19 will be advised to use a rapid test. /XObject << Please note: any individuals traveling for Stanford-affiliated or personal reasons should also review testing guidance for travelers. Color testing will be required on Day 0 and Day 5 of the Summer Session program on campus. Stanford Jazz Orchestra welcomes special guest Francisco Torres, trombone, for its Winter program. You can message your clinic, view lab results, schedule an appointment, and pay your bill. Color testing is provided at no charge to students. Individual instructors can also require masks in their classrooms and will post expectations on Canvas. Effective Oct. 24, 2022,face masksare no longer mandatory in classrooms. /Type /Catalog endobj Unvaccinated graduate and professional students who are living on/off campus or who are coming to campus regularly must register and test twice weekly. >> Create a Color testing account using your primary Stanford email address, SUNetID@stanford.edu. On this page, you will find information on where to pick up and drop off Color Health COVID testing kits. Copyright Complaints, Download Stanford COVID-19 testing locations flyer, View and download Stanford Medicine flyer for locations and hours of operation, 900 Warrington, Stanford Recreation and Wellness Front Desk, 120 Ocean View Blvd, Pacific Grove CA 93950, Animal Research Occupational Health and Safety Program. To request a large quantity of test kits to pick up from EH&S,please submit this form. In addition, across all time periods, this display includes the results of testing of faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars provided or facilitated by the Stanford University Occupational Health Center. hb```g``ff`e`gb@ !(6`|AmX^@$K#Xp$ffd$!-aD"I["mG3_\= \|4Y8S``6U&. If you dont have a phone, a staff member will manually check your records to verify eligibility. endstream endobj 459 0 obj <>stream Stanford requires that any student who leaves campus overnight must self-administer a COVID-19 test upon their return, using a rapid test kit. COVID Exposure & Symptomatic Testing | Student Affairs Please also report your symptoms inHealth Check. Find a COVID-19 Test | Mass.gov Protect yourself or loved ones who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] Register for Stanford's COVID testing program with our campus testing provider, Color. xrFq,;,Wn,v$@z x9cs]K9Sv_w?>O#= . Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. %%EOF COVID-19 by County | CDC The second type of test available for students is the Rapid test. less than one day each week or every other week), will be required to test on the day they are scheduled to be on-site. Results for a PCR test can take several days to come back. << How do I get started with Color testing on campus? You can message your clinic, view lab results, schedule an appointment, and pay your bill. Additionally, faculty, staff and postdocs who are approved to come on-site on a one-time basis (e.g. Alias Stanford emails will not be accepted and you should use a different password than your SUNet ID password. You do not need to report your positive test result to HUHS. ?H?_1h;D>eG(JYe3M]XG@P;AE;66M#M@Ux'o=F#g-@j "nlllvebw2yU`v/~ + {R&$! /X4 12 0 R Learn More about Video Visits , Get the iPhone MyHealth app endobj Details on this program are availablehere. Stanford COVID dashboards - COVID-19 Covid-19 Surveillance Testing for Faculty, Staff and Postdocs /Length 3897 Stanford strongly recommends wearing masks indoors, including in classrooms and instructional spaces, and outdoors in crowded settings throughout January. /BitsPerComponent 8 endobj Learn more on our. Ideally, tests should be taken three days apart. Our drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites have closed for the season. The Color test will be used for surveillance testing upon arrival to campus, and the rapid test for symptomatic testing. Get the Android MyHealth app , Guidance for living with this ever-changing virus. Learn about health and safety policies, and appointments with primary and specialty care providers by video and in person. 10 0 obj /G3 9 0 R Alias Stanford emails will not be accepted and you should use a different password than your SUNet ID password. How to Cope with the Stanford Duck Syndrome. COVID-19 Vaccinations | Graduate Life Office /Height 116 If you do not know your primary Stanford SUNet email or are not sure how to access it, please contact University IT Services & Support at (650) 725-4357 or by submitting an online ticket. Admission information Free admission Note that Stanford University guidelines now state that masks are no longer required, but are strongly recommended. /ID (node00350855) In addition, across all time periods, the data below reflect the results of student tests for COVID undertaken or facilitated by Vaden Health Center, as well as the results of student-athlete surveillance testing for COVID. In order to maintain a safe, open campus environment during the pandemic, Stanford is focused on efforts that help to identify and prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the earliest possible stages. Current Policies and Status - Stanford Report startxref /StructParents 0 WHERE to pick up and drop off: Use any pick up and drop off location. /Nums [0 [20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R Details and latest information (here). >> hmO0MDBjiB}^&U$sZ"`t,w_l # 6NAl P COVID-19 FAQs - Stanford Medical Center | Stanford Health Care /Parent 2 0 R /ModDate (D:20210122020444+00'00') 455 0 obj <> endobj /X10 15 0 R Asymptomatic surveillance testingisno longer required, regardless of vaccination status. Below youll find answers to the following important questions. If you choose not to create a MyHealth account, to access your negative test result you will need to call Clinical Advice Services at 650-724-9400.Clinical Advice Services will relay your request to a nurse, who will call you back to deliver your negative test result. They are recommended for most people. How is Life Tree-Ting You? Color testingcontinues to be available, up to two tests per week, for anyone who wishes to use Color for regular asymptomatic testing. 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R 78 0 R 79 0 R However, individualinstructors have the option of requiring masksin classes. /Resources << Individuals may be tested multiple times. hb```,l*B A ``H3}P .Viz/DGCEGcaFth2@, )G@"+RLS;O_rJk;~472p3b 0 Qt8 Heres What You Can Do. Kit pick up hours: Monday Friday, 8 a.m. 4 p.m. 24/7 kit drop box available outside front entrance, Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center (AOERC), Kit pickup at front desk, kit dropoff at bin outside front entrance, 24/7 kit drop off box available outside front entrance, Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (ACSR), Nearby 24/7 kit drop off box at Escondido Road turnaround, C parking, visitor parking, and limited number of loading zone spaces available. Explore preventative actions you can take. For the displays of Stanford testing results shown above, please note: Those who test positive through surveillance testing should self-isolate and refrain from leaving their isolation housing if living on campus or coming to campus if living off campus. Unvaccinated graduate and professional students who are living on/off campus or who are coming to campus regularly must register and test twice weekly. In addition, consider talking to your primary care provider to see if you are eligible for treatment, especially if you are considered high-risk. ] Kit Drop Box: Available 24/7 484 Oak Road, S tanford. Vaccinations are available from community providers and by appointment at the Walgreens pharmacy location at the Vaden Health Center. Most health insurance plans now also permit enrollees to obtain kits from some pharmacies at no additional out-of-pocket cost. Color Test Color is Stanford's COVID-19 testing provider and is one of two testing tools available to students in our program. >> 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R] 0 Stanford Campus Maps - Stanford University Staff will check your badge before giving you the tests. Please bring your Stanford University ID when picking up test kits. For mild respiratory symptoms, testing before travel or a medical procedure, or if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please consider using an at-home antigen test (which is normally the best course even when PCR testing is available). you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please contact HRT 650-497-9595 or SHC-VC OccHealth 925-534-0230. Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to report their results to Health Check, start masking immediately, and follow the process for isolation. Stanford Medicine locations (e.g., Stanford Health Care, Stanford Childrens Hospital, Stanford Health Care ValleyCare, University HealthCare Alliance and School of Medicine): Stanford University faculty, staff, postdocs, and students may also utilize Stanford Medicine Color testing sites across the Bay Area. Each student can receive up to 8rapid tests per month. /Lang (en) Instructors who require masking should inform students in advance on Canvas, the universitys learning management system, and by email. The Flourish, April 2022: How is Life Tree-Ting You? Please visit these companies' websites to learn more about their efforts to provide timely and accessible COVID-19 testing or to schedule an appointment. All temporary community members with a regular presence on campus are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. For more information, click here. COVID-19 Information | Coming to SLAC Kit pick up hours: Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 24/7 kit drop box available at Cardinal Hall/Warrington, Located in Monterey Boat Works lecture room. /Title (WInter Closure_COVID Surveillance Testing Sandwich Board_v2) Accessing rapid antigen tests Rapid tests for faculty, staff, and postdocs are available at AFDC, the EH&S tent at 484 Oak Road, and the Stanford Redwood City RecWell Center 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays starting Wednesday, Nov. 16, and are free of charge with a Stanford ID. /Type /MarkInfo See more guidelines from the CDC. 6 /IDTree 8 0 R Students can telephone 650-815-2000 to make an appointment for spouses and partners at the Vaden Walgreens. In addition, contact your primary care provider or submit a COVID-19 Outpatient Therapeutics Patient Self-Referral Form to see if you should receive the Paxlovid treatment, which should be taken within the first 5 days of testing positive. Vaccination resources are here. Our drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites have closed for the season.
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