Tango13. Oh, he said wi a wicked smile, Ah just said, Joa, thi flies are undone an thart showin t Crahn Jewels! Irish joke 3: The 1-year prison sentence. This stereotype can also be seen in the Yorkshireman's Motto: Teacher: No, Paul . But sadly, there are some other things Yorkshiremen (and women) get accused of that aren't quite as favourable - and many are just plain wrong. Yorkshireman: Can tha mek us a gold statue of yon dog? The old fella goes off. 'Sam, Sam, pick up thy musket ! jokes about tight yorkshireman 25. A Yorkshireman's wife passes away. We tight with money jokes +1 234 567 89 tight with money jokes Mon-Sat 9:00 - 7:00 tight with money jokes info@example.com jamie macfadyen brother of matthew macfadyen Facebook-f. damian einstein Instagram. Sammy ruled his sons wi a rod o iron. TG: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor. or tike a child, esp. 1. She said she didn't have time. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen. Culture of Yorkshire - Traditions and Stereotypes ', There's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini. 19. // -->