All applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, a minimum GPA of 3.0, and must have completed prerequisite coursework. To obtain a license following completion of an approved school, a new graduate must first pass an examination. The primary end state of this course is a solid understanding of nervous system structure and function and a foundation that allows students to master future concepts that will be presented in the Neuromuscular Physical Therapy and the Lifespan Physical Therapy courses. Some state licensing boards require additional requirements beyond education, which may include (but are not limited to): additional post-graduation examinations or experience, application and licensing fees, criminal . The emphasis will be on the cellular functions of neurons and muscle fibers. A large portion of the time will be spent in the laboratory setting practicing palpation skills, the performance of clinical tests, and application of therapeutic treatment techniques that include therapeutic exercise, manual therapy (muscle energy techniques, mobilization, and manipulation), and patient education. The Army-Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy is the program which traces its roots back over 100 years to the World War I era which sparked the growth of the physical therapy profession in the United States. Joint Bachelor of Science/Master of Arts in Teaching. The program offers a variety of services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Graduates from the BSC are accepted into the associate degree program upon completion of the program. Outstanding clinical sites nearby include San Antonio Military Medical Center, the Center for the Intrepid, Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center and other excellent sites. Baylor University Waco, Texas 76798 1-800-229-5678. Army-Baylor Applicant Forum 2022-2023 | Student Doctor Network Matriculated students must achieve a grade of C or better in each course and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or above. Environmental Studies (Environment and Society), B.A. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with lectures and interaction with a distinguished visiting professor. A framework of normal development and aging will be presented and serve as a course foundation. Graduates of this program are qualified to enter the military as physical therapists due to their excellent physical condition and the completion of a full medical examination. Anthropology (General Anthropology), B.A. Army-Baylor students complete their coursework at Baylor Universitys campus in Waco, Texas. Great Texts of the Western Tradition - Secondary Major, Great Texts of the Western Tradition Minor. 254-710-8999. This course is designed to prepare uniformed service physical therapy students for their roles and responsibilities while deployed for combat operations and support/sustainment operations. Learn More Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency History (Secondary History Education), B.A. Executive Clinical Leadership (ECL), M.H.A. Aviation Sciences (Professional Pilot - Airplane), B.S.A. In depth study of the microscopic structures of the central nervous system. Joint BA for Select Majors/MA in Museum Studies, Master of Public Policy and Administration, MPPA, Joint Juris Doctor/Master of Public Policy and Administration, JD/MPPA, Community Analytics Concentration (Sociology, Ph.D.), Sociology of Religion Concentration (Sociology, Ph.D.), Health and Society Concentration (Sociology, Ph.D.), Data Science Concentration (Statistics, Ph.D.), Biostatistics Concentration (Statistics, Ph.D.), Joint Bachelor of Science in Statistics/Master of Science in Statistics, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation Concentration (MBA), Healthcare Administration Specialization (MBA), Healthcare Administration Specialization, Pre-Clinical Track (PCT) (MBA), Business Analytics Graduate Concentration, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation Graduate Concentration, Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Healthcare Administration Concentration (EMBA), Cybersecurity Technology & Strategy Concentration (EMBA), Executive Presence & Communication Concentration (EMBA), International Trade and Supply Chain Management Concentration (EMBA), Online Master of Business Administration (OMBA), Executive Communication Concentration (OMBA), Global Trade and Supply Chain Management Concentration (OMBA), Online Master of Business Administration Certificates, Joint Master of Business Administration/Master of Divinity, Joint Master of Business Administration/Master of Engineering, Joint Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Information Systems, Business Analytics Concentration (MBA/MSIS), Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation Concentration (MBA/MSIS), Joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration, Joint Master of Business Administration/Master of Social Work, Joint Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Accountancy, Joint Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Taxation, Accounting Data and Analytics Certificate, Joint Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Science in Economics, Master of Arts in Teaching with Teaching Certification, Twice Exceptionalities Certification - M.A.T. Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Recreation and Leisure Services - Secondary Major, Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH), BSPH/MPH in Community Health Education Joint Degree. This course is comprised of a wide spectrum of introductory material including biomechanics and kinesiology, the basic physical examination, joint motion assessment and measurement, muscle strength and flexibility testing, neuromuscular screening, vital signs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, patient management issues, handling and positioning of patients, written and oral communication, medical records, professional organizations and responsibilities, and professional ethics. Also discussed are the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. Graduates of this program are eligible to take the National Physical Therapy Licensure Examination offered by The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). Students must complete a clinical affiliation at the end of Semester II and pass a comprehensive oral examination following the 18-month didactic portion of the course in order to transition to the 12-month clinical internship. A PDF of the entire 2022-2023 Diana R. Garland School of Social Work catalog. Also discussed are the anatomy of the face and temporomandibular joint. This Executive Skills course is also closely aligned with the LAMP (leadership, administration, management preparation) skills identified by the APTA Section on Administration. The emphasis of the experience is the management of patients in musculoskeletal, acute care, or in-patient orthopedic rehabilitation environments. Where little evidence exists, a pragmatic, impairment-based approach integrating basic principles of biomechanics and pathokinesiology is used. Both a conceptual understanding of the principles of CNS organization and some memorization of specific nuclei and pathways is required. Josef H. Moore, PT, DSc, US Army Office of the Surgeon General Allied Health Staff Office, Falls Church, VA. Dr Moore, Dr Goffar, Dr Teyhen, Dr Childs, Dr Pendergrass, and Dr Ficke are all past presidents of the American Academy of Family Physicians. In this case, a team approach is used to treat Navy recruits who sustain an injury to the musculoskeletal system. This is the first of a two-part course that develops the elements that serve as the foundation of evidence-based practice. The program is staffed by a team of highly trained and experienced therapists who work together to help each patient reach his or her goals. Topics include current issues in the practice and profession of physical therapy. The Army Baylor University DPT conducts telephonic interviews. The United States Army physical therapists performed first-time evaluations on 58.4% of 38,410 service members with Musculoskeletal injuries in 2015. Specific goals during this course include the completion of a literature review and the beginning of pilot testing and data collection. According to an article published in the latest issue of The Journal of the United States Military Physical Therapists. However, note that Baylor University has the typical DPT program which costs over $100K. The program requires an additional 3 semester hour Psychology course. The US Army has deployed physical therapists to places such as Bosnia, Kosovo, Ethiopia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. Our DPT program allows students to earn a salary while still fulfilling their active duty service obligation (ADSO) in the military as a physical therapist. Instrumental Music - Woodwind, Brass, Percussion Concentrations, B.M.E. Students who complete the Doctor of Physical Therapy Training program at Baylor University earn a doctor of physical therapy degree. Army Baylor Nutrition (MS) | Professional Education | Baylor University Aviation Sciences (Professional Pilot - Helicopter), B.S.A. Army-Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy ATTN: ATMC-WBB-GT 3630 Stanley Road, Bldg 2841, Suite 1301 Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston TX 78234-6100 United States Phone +1 210.221.6457 Phone 2 +1 210.221.6457 Email Website Program Information Admission Requirements Student Location Change Form. If an application is received by the deadline, the deadline for completing the 11 prerequisite courses has passed. The purpose of this course is to prepare and equip physical therapists with advanced intervention skills to be used in the management of the musculoskeletal system. * Civilian applicants selected to proceed to the selection board will undergo a full military entrance recruiting process by their local US Army healthcare recruiting station near their residence from November until February after the application cycle deadline. ), Master of Arts in Theology, Ecology, and Food Justice (M.A.T.E.F.J. Degree Plan, Secondary Education Certification - M.A.T. This course builds upon the foundation established in EBP I. EBP II focuses on the concepts of evidence-based practice with particular emphasis on critical appraisal of the literature. The innovative Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program combines best practices in distance education, on-campus lab immersion sessions, and clinical education experiences to prepare you as a physical therapist and servant leader in this vital profession. Because of the strenuous physical demands associated with service, the Navy and Marines are in high demand for physical therapists. Army-Baylor DPT | Baylor University Admissions | Army-Baylor DPT | Baylor University Prerequisite courses are listed in semester hour requirements. Army-Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy ATTN: ATMC-WBB-GT 3630 Stanley Road, Bldg 2841, Suite 1301 Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston TX 78234-6100 United States Email Public CAPTE Accredited Program Information Admission Requirements Course Prerequisites Through an affiliation with Baylor University, students enrolled in the U.S. Army-Baylor University D.P.T. Upon graduation, our graduates are well-prepared to serve in two unique professions - as an active-duty officer and as a military physical therapist. Following initial entry training, these officers engage in 30 months of entry-level physical therapy training to receive the DPT. The purpose of this site is to provide prospective DPT students information on our CAPTE accredited DPT program. During the Vietnam era, Army physical therapists demonstrated skillful management in the care of large numbers of soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries and were further designated as "physician extenders" skilled in neuromusculoskeletal evaluation with expanded privileges in ordering certain analgesic and anti inflammatory medication, referral to specialty providers, and use of diagnostic imaging. This course provides lectures, labs, and case-based learning experiences in differential diagnosis and medical screening in clinical settings. There is no set answer to this question as the length of the Army-Baylor DPT program varies depending on the individual students schedule and course load. This course provides the foundation needed in clinical decision-making regarding patient care options and physical agents. Robbins College of Health & Human Sciences. The model, which combines direct access with near-instant access, has the potential to improve outcomes, reduce costs, and allow others on the team to work at their highest levels. Students who apply are expected to join the armed forces as part of the uniform service, which covers all tuition and fees. Baylor DPT will accept passing (P) coursework for the Spring and Summer 2020-2022 semesters for instances where Pass/Fail grades were given due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program requires a 3 semester hour course in General Psychology. The value of treating service members as athletes provides a model for preventing and treating Musculoskeletal injuries more effectively at the time of injury and at the point of injury. Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Concentration - CSD, B.S. * The selection board usually convenes in late February each year. Functional and surgical anatomy of upper and lower member amputations and conditions requiring upper/lower member and spinal orthotic intervention are presented. Exercise Physiology will not satisfy this requirement. In addition to helping students understand and address change in their own leadership styles, the course addresses change theory, strategic planning, and consulting. ), Toggle Juris Doctor Joint Degree Programs, Pre-requisite(s): Semester I and II courses, Pre-requisite(s): Semester III courses and successful completion of comprehensive oral examinations, Historical Highlights of Baylor University, Cancellations, Drops, and University Withdrawals, Course Repetition and Academic Grade Forgiveness. This course provides students an opportunity to develop core-advanced competencies in orthopaedic triage and management of acute musculoskeletal and neurological injuries while deployed. CONTACT ARMY-BAYLOR DPT PROGRAM If selected for an interview, you will be contacted by the interviewer to setup a date/time to conduct the interview. Communication Sciences and Disorders, Ph.D. Joint Bachelor of Science/Master of Athletic Training, Joint Bachelor of Science in Education/Master of Science in Sport Pedagogy, Master of Public Health, MPH (On-Campus), Community Health Science Major, MPH (On-Campus), BSPH/MPH in Community Health Science Joint Degree (On-Campus), Environmental Health Science Major, MPH (On-Campus), BSPH/MPH in Environmental Health Science Joint Degree (On-Campus), Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy, PP-OTD. Baylor University discloses that the Doctor of Physical Therapy program will fulfill state/territory educational requirements for professional licenses.. The course also includes elements of clinic design and management, continuous quality improvement, legal and legislative issues in physical therapy, and consulting/health promotion. These requirements cannot be met in any way. Complaint Process This course, coupled with PT6410 (Anatomy I), is designed to prepare students to competently examine a patient with lower extremity dysfunction, evaluate the information and establish a clinical diagnosis, and develop a physical therapy intervention plan. Some state licensing boards require additional requirements beyond education, which may include (but are not limited to): additional post-graduation examinations or experience, application and licensing fees, criminal background checks, reference checks, fingerprint submissions, etc. Carefully review the educational prerequisites for your intended state/territory of licensure and whether our program meets those requirements for licensure. It includes a research requirement, a comprehensive oral examination, and a final clinical internship. reserved. Some state licensing boards require additional requirements beyond education, which may include (but are not limited to): additional post-graduation examinations or experience, application and licensing fees, criminal background checks, reference checks, fingerprint submissions, etc. For any questions regarding licensure, please contact the state/territory agency directly. This course consists of lecture and lab periods. Use the agency contact information provided below to clarify or confirm any requirements. The Army-Baylor program offers you free training and a 100% employment rate. A physical therapist must complete at least 100 hours of training in order to obtain this license. Coursework older than 10 years not accepted. This course presents a variety of clinical medicine topics to include adult neurology, pediatric neurology, management of cognitive disorders, and the mechanisms of speech and language disorders.
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