~ Frank H. Tyro, PhD, co-director of FLIC, "Jim is a fellow tribal member who is committed to giving back to his people. They are ignorant by design.. The elders tell of a time in history during a great famine that a beautiful women dressed in white appeared to the Lakota. that left 300 Lakota men, women and children at the hands of the U.S. Army. The film continues to create meaningful dialogue and has generated many requests for information. The Prophecies Of Black Elk - Spirit Daily Blog West Europe International Film Festival 2019, WINER!!! The greatest power in the universe messaging. His story of the 7th Generation touches many levels of history and the unknown experiences of past generations. Much as cities in the Dakotas are named for local tribes, Wallowa County and my hometown of Joseph are named for the people who had to endure atrocities committed by settlers eager to clear that land. 2. When someone yelled gun, in fear, Larry sprang into action with several others and ran to confront the man and place himself in between harms way and the other water protectors. In 2007 at a prom banquet in PineRidge, Robert Ten Fingers reminds the young people of the Black Elk prophecy concerning the 7th generation of Lakota. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Even the last remaining indigenous people of Europe, the Sami tribe, have sent representatives. The sacred fire crackling and popping, the sweet smell of cedar in the air. Native children ripped from families were forced into boarding schools and told to forget who they were. He is currently employed by Seminole Media Productions for the Seminole Tribe of Florida where he develops content and documentaries about the indigenous tribes all over the world. All Rights Reserved. It is a powerful message for everyone." The prophecy said that strange animals would be born deformed and without the proper limbs. The film treats a very sad and sometimes forgotten piece of history with compassion and respect. His visual effects can be seen in some of his works. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); His visions joined those of a second cousin, the famous war chief Crazy Horse, who was even more prophetic. ~ Fred R. McFarlane, Ph.D., Interwork Institute, San Diego State University, Films like 7th Generation should be included in our curriculum. I am proud to see the insights of our elders shared in 7th Generation. While poverty and other problems obviously plague many yes, most of the rural communities, considerable progress has been made in this last generation. We were bringing blankets to the folks who were getting sprayed with water/chemical combo, because it was freezing cold and the cops were literally putting the people at risk of dying; spraying water on people in this weather is trying to kill them. A true basic tribal infrastructure built and in place for the people paved roads, electricity lines, water lines, transportation, health care and which targets tribal members and all ethnicities most in need. Sage stands at the base of the Grand Canyon in waters that are sacred to her people. My Gr Gr Great Grandmother and my Great Grandmother came to Pine Ridge Agency in 1877 and lived in the area for the rest of their lives. That story is one of a singular voice made up of many peoples voices, united for an ideal that Native voices have been singing for millennia. There is a sense of history in the making. Her upbringing has given her a strong desire to help preserve her community and the land in self-sustaining ways. In fact, a 2013 Bureau of Prisons report blamed skyrocketing health care costs for catapulting annual prisoner medical allocations to nearly $6,000 per inmate in 2012. Some of my children are buried there. Our youth has a strong future ahead. It is up to the present generation of youth of the KanienKehake to provide leadership and example to all who have failed. Kenneth G. White Jr., MSW, is chief executive officer of Native Health Care Solutions in Flagstaff. We are steady in our promise to never give up on our cultural and spiritual relationship with the land and water we owe everything to. History, it seemed, was repeating itself, only in a more modern form. Our writers and photographers have constantly visited South Dakota's nine Indian reservations throughout our 27 years of publishing. Instead, non-Natives would be given the role and would paint their faces or dress up in costumes which continued the appropriation of the culture. Mother Earth, Father Sun, the animal world and plant world listening in as the prophecy is conveyed from the Great Spirit. Lakota Prophecies. The story of Chief Joseph, in particular, is yet another tale of a protector willing to sacrifice everything in the face of insurmountable odds. Black Elk also said the 7th generation would lead all peoples toward an understanding of how to live in harmony with creation and away from their ecoocidal ways. I envision the Great Warrior and Chief Crazy Horse meditating, praying, using song, ceremony, eagle feathers, sacred pipe, cedar, water, fire and language to connect with and respect Creator as he opens his heart and mind to receive the prophecy. In the late 1800s, Oglala Lakota holy man Heka Spa (Black Elk) had a vision at the age of 9 when he became ill and had a near-death experience. TikTok OHS advances to 7A regional final May 17. It began in 1975 and concludes on December 21, 2021. The final version of the film project was completed in April 2017. Intimidation doesnt stop there; as has been widely reported, physical interactions have also taken place. He's very familiar with the Seventh Generation prophecy, attributed to Black Elk and other tribal leaders in the late 1800s. My daughter Tianna Yellow Hair and I started Tatanka Rez Tourz. Every morning, during the large prayer ceremonies which take place at the rivers edge, a yellow DAPL helicopter flies low, buzzing the two ceremony locations repeatedly. A powerful silent spiritual moment. After the Wounded Knee Massacre a Lakota medicine man named Black Elk had a prophecy, 'It will take 7 generations to heal our sacred hoop.' Native American Prophecies - iawwai.com His film "7th Generation," shares our tribal history and prophecy from a Lakota perspective. How a "Black Snake" in the Heartland Brought Spirit to American On my fifth day there, he informed me that he would be joining the peaceful direct action. It was needed, says Phillip. I pray for hope, healing, and unity among all living things, as prophesized by the great Chief and your blessed messenger Crazy Horse. . the time has come, thank you god, hallelujah!!! The rivers would burn aflame. I glanced at my vehicle, already knowing it was hardly suited for the 1,100-mile drive from my home in north-east Oregon, and resigned myself to staying home. White Clay is located just outside of the PineRidge Reservation where alcoholism runs at 80% of the people. The most frequent lesson he doles out is Indian 101 often unexpectedly. Were the only people with the legal right to health care but what we get is health care that ensures the highest diabetes rates and the lowest life expectancy, Warne said. The Making of Relatives this is a bonding ritual. Frank Waln - Frank Waln talks Native history, new Single and Seventh Dakota Goodhouse is one of those who sees coincidences between the past and present. Wounded Knee, located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, was the site of two conflicts between Native Americans and representatives of the U.S. government, including the U.S . I hope more police officers will come and stand with us.. According to history this woman revealed the mysteries of the earth to them, and then laid down on the ground and turned into a black buffalo, then red, then yellow, and finally white. Voth then produced subsequent videos that further explored Indian Country issues and the seven generations belief. I like the white people, but they have driven me out of my home. The final episodes look toward the future, the youth, and Crazy Horse's Seventh Generation prophecy. https://www.patreon.com/in5d, Follow In5D on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WG1WGA, Patreon, and OnStellar. Alayna and Tonia Jo: These two Lakota women introduce themselves as sisters, even though there is no blood relation. My blood is the same that flows in the veins of the white men. Ed, that's a good point. As an Indigenous American, there was never any question of whether I should travel to Standing Rock or not. We knelt to pray on the earth and thats when they shot, and got my friend. For when you are at that center within you and I am in that place within me, we shall be as one.. Yet this is the case with a member of the Oglala band of Lakota Sioux who was known as Black Elk until he was baptized in a Catholic church and given the name Nicholas (in 1904). This seventh generation will take back what little culture and rights remain and amplify positive change for future generations that dont yet exist. Some of his other interests include playing music, song writing, exercising, and painting. To my right, high-powered floodlights near the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) construction site shone brightly, pointing at the camp all night long. Posted by Navajo Times | Jan 24, 2022 | Guest Essay |. In 2011, while in Washington, D.C. to speak before a Senate committee about the use of Indians as sports mascots, Warne met a congressman in the hallway who commented that all Native Americans are getting rich off casinos. I quickly agreed to the opportunity, but requested that we attempt to raise donations for the water protectors, the group of Native Americans representing over 300 different tribes who are encamped near the location where the pipeline is slated to cross the Missouri river. Recognition by all that America is Native American land, and that real universal healing starts with this factual recognition and realization under the sacred Tree of Life and One Circle. We passed through eastern Montana, nearing the site of Chief Josephs surrender. The mass animal die-off was predicted in native American prophecy. He obliterates myths when non-Natives spout common misconceptions, explaining to them that Indians do pay federal taxes; Tribal profits are not distributed to every Native in Indian Country; all Natives do not speak the same language; and none of the languages are called Indian or spoken in broken diction, like Tonto in The Lone Ranger. Wounded Knee: Massacre, Memorial & Battle - HISTORY Black Elk Was Right - Southdakotamagazine.com He also was said to have encountered spiritual grandfathers who ruled over the six directions (north, south, east, west, above, and below). Its about enlightenment. His uncle is an oil executive, and his brother works for oil companies around the globe, but he also has family members who are farmers in the midwest and have had easements forced across their own land for oil pipelines. "BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILM" - Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, CA April 8, 2016 The gunman eventually re-entered his truck and sped away from the group, running over a womans foot in the process. Why? His story of the 7th Generation touches many levels of history and the unknown experiences of past generations.