Kris has been unconscious for days. Like you, I also live abroad in a developing country. When neither Froonnor Kremers turned up, the community decided to wait until the next day to contact authorities. Seems like no one has taken off in the direction of the dog and what it could have offered us. Panama International Travel Information I also see something above the brown circle, like a ring of colored balls or ???? With all the misinformation thrown out there and poor follow up work (likely to protect tourism), any ones guess is possible. After this, the photos were from April 8, 2014and likely snappedbetween 1 amand 4 am. I hope justice is found for these girls, so very sad & just horrifying. Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph? All facts are not available in this case. The final photo may have been eliminated after thought by the still remaining friend, as it may have been too traumatic for her. The branches above her could be an attempt to hide the entrance. Her phone is dead. They earn money through drug trafficking, often theft and sometimes by extorting businesses. The circular part looks like vines to me, but the portion in the middle has potential to be a cow skull. 1. The abductor is a deeply religious man, in his own demented way, and he sees this as a sign from God. Stop trying to read too much into it. Just pressing the button to turn the screen on provides you with the relative information, ie, whether you have a signal or not. I did not cover all of the accidents and trials and tribulations along the way leading to their death. I think they were lost. Theres so much conflicting information regardless of which theory is chosen. The Darin Gap: "A nightmare with 1,001 demons" - Doctors Without Borders So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. He threatened them with a machete, and led them to a sacrificial alter. This was either something catastrophic or a developing situation due for example to them getting lost. She looks disorientated almost. This would cover natural causes and the rucksack contents being in perfect condition. Between taking the last foto (Nr 508) at 12:54 local time and the first SOS call at 16:39 local time something happened. I am assuming that the rock painting you refer to is the round orange patch on the right. The students' phone records also tragically revealed how they desperately tried to call the police. Sorry Chris, having re-read what you said at the beginning of your article and having stared at the photo a for a bit longer, I can definitely see the corner of a kind of pitched, thatched roof of a what looks like a man-made hut. Beyond that, the police are even suspect in altering evidence and not preserving it. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . One could argue that the inherent risk of traveling to under-developed countries is exciting for the reason that theres potential danger and less authoritative control. You will notice another branch of dead leaf just below it. Someone with darkish skin. It is a suicide decision and they, experienced travellers, know that. EERIE photos discovered on a camera belonging to two missing hikers revealed their mysterious final moments before both girls vanished in the jungle in Panama. The search efforts moved into the forests where the young women traversed, using on-foot search teams and dog units. This is significant because image 508 was the last photograph of them where they werent in any trouble. So many clues in all these pictures. The jungle knows how to keep its secrets. Could the structure built above be some sort of a net or trapping device? There appears to be a blue pieces of trash on the ground. Kriss in the photo is just watching her step. Most travelers that have big experiences want to remember the small details of trips, because the trip represents an important memory in their life. A tragedy and a mystery but in its core, this is only a horrible accident. They obviously protect the predator(s). There are no discernible scratches of any kind on the bones, neither of natural nor cultural origin there are no marks on the bones at all. The group of 13 youngsters - nine from Coln province and four who were visiting from Panama City - left on Friday morning to go swimming in Gatn Lake. Maybe a struggle or fall? The roof or cover is not substantial enough to keep out rain but it could work as camouflage from the air. When the girls were vacationing in South Panama it shows a photo of them in the ocean, and behind them in the ocean is a fat white man seemingly staring at them. In all, the State Department says that in 2013 and 2014, a . Does anyone know what the orange string is on the left of the photo? Hi Carin, thanks for your comment. Guns are mostly for use in robberies, but these gangs prefer not to leave bullet holes its too obvious. In all of the photos, there is zero evidence to suggest that the dog was truly with the girls on their hike into the forest. Hundreds! If someone can determine a gang affiliation for that image, it might be possible to determine where the traffickers were from. The FBI and others have continuously tried to stonewall him from publicly making these cases and their bizarre circumstances publicly known. Hope there will be a reasonable explanation to everything one day. Fortunately, I have that ability. Something drastic happened it is clear but what exactly and where exactly? As you say, it might be better if you were able to lay out the photos and see how they seem to fit together. Highlighted areas of interest (some not yet discussed I think): I think the night pictures were made by the killers to make it look like they were lost and trying to signal for help. The black and red object above is clearly a decayed plant leaf. Cheers. Any comments that are disrespectful or inconsiderate to the families of Kris and Lisanne will be removed by a moderator. And the weird flesh colored thing hanging in the tree to her left could be a skinned animal. The critical time is between the last foto and the first SOS call. So, when locals look at you sideways as they glance, glare, or even stare at your shorts and sandals, do not be offended or surprised. Ive written about many disappearances in Central America:, Thank you for your comment and please feel free to send me any notes/info that you find. I become very confused and not starting from Go and not knowing what is fact and what is anecdotal I just do not know. One was left above. I really feel that this place is the key to what happened to the girls. IF there was a dog with them why then did they not photograph it? Is there much shareable knowledge about the gang in the area? Kris is sticking her tongue out in this photo. Perhaps the women were lured there to be shown something. Kids in the area could have found the backpack and were just messing around with the camera. after studying the original photo, she is actually posing sticking her tongue out, in a slight hunched over salute, the light is hitting her hand, her pose and demeanor makes me believe it is Lisanne taking the photo. Very interesting and completely changed my mind. Possibly that info can help. Everything suggests they had no clue what they were doing when they took the taxi to the start of the trail. I do believe that this appears to be some sort of structure though, it does seem like some vines / branches have been woven together to form some sort of hut and even the AI enhancement would not make the blue appear on the floor so distinctly, the color and look almost reminds me of a scrap of denim like material? He believes he is working for God. Theyre also exceptionally rugged and dangerous, especially during the April-to-October wet season. For the most part, foreigners are just caught in the middle. Despite search teams, which included dogs and helicopters, there were no . I think investigation isnt the correct word. We have no police report to read which its self may also contain errors. Its sad because Panama is a beautiful country with a lot of wonderful people. Poverty, culture and crime in Latin America are different than poor nations in Asia and Africa. The green rock directly in front of Kris appears to float in space. I believe that the case was handled so poorly that it leads one to believe that it was intentionally handled as such. March 3, 2023, 7:57 AM. Again, I stress that these kind of murder cases are frequently shut down by the media of the country at the direction of the government. Regarding accidents (My father a doctor always said accidents do not exist. Debra Ann Velleman's husband, Anthony Velleman, another passenger and the pilot were rescued by Panamanian search and rescue teams. Is the time that photo was taken known? Do you think this could be at all relevant? The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story ^ From that point the trail leads over another dangerous cable bridge, and two more rickety plank swing-bridges, before reaching the Ngobe village of Alto Romero on the banks of the Culebra. I prefer to think that the two girls had some sort of accident, still horrific but better than being murdered. If you find more info about this, please feel free to share it. I think the left arm is visible behind her hanging down. You highlight the importance of fastidiousness in the articles that I reference. The first all the black area behind her was blackened and smudged. A Panamanian search and rescue team helped recover the bodies after more than 690 hours of searching, authorities said. I implore those who are intrigued by this to read his books. Does anyone know if the dog they brought with them is in any photos from the hike? I think this has been added to hide the fact that Kris was not wearing boots, as this was a shot of her from somewhere else and superimposed on the jungle scene. Theres a lot of information in the photos but people are willfully blind to it for some reason. In the days following the students' disappearances, authorities conducted footand aerial searches. Kriss bones had unnatural traces of phosphorus. I just would like to know if you see that as well? She uses Kris phone, instinctively entering her own pin number. This is the real one: Its a complex topic. I do not see any eyes, but I can definitely see a nose and a mouth. I think the last three photos of Kris show a definite change in mood. The photos give the appearance that they are PROMPTED to go ahead by someone. I searched Google and I found the complete photo with the highest resolution possible. Its a sect of foreign Christians that set up in the area and murdered 6 people FROM one of the local tribes. Perhaps Kris fell first and Lisanne heard her scream and running in fell herself. An explosion in tourism has saved Iceland's economy. However, when theres monetary interests involved, especially within key industries I give those ulterior motives some weight and consideration. Kris has somewhat prominent cheeks and a full lower lip. Maybe the girls did perish deep in the jungle, but that doesnt rule out somebody causing them to get lost. The biggest danger for travelers in Central America is crime. I wouldnt give mine out to my best friend, not even to my wife. Shes ducking down slightly and trying to shield her eyes from the sun with her right arm. The rich pay for their own security and the poor resort to vigilantism. After the attempted calls, the phones stayedon for some time. Please remember to be considerate of the two girls that lost their lives and their families. These nameless trails arent monitored or maintained by park rangers. In 2014 Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, both from the Netherlands were traveling and exploring the Central American country of Panama. And it seems to be leading to a dead-end. She makes a last effort to wake her friend. Matts article about the daytime photos (link),,,,,, Kris Kremers Case: The People Involved (Reference Guide), New Case Data: Night Photo EXIF Temperatures, Video Footage: El Pianista Complete Trail Hike, Canadas Freedom Convoy Raises Millions On GiveSendGo, Panama Expedition 2021 Complete Overview, Disappearance Stories A Word Of Caution, Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (Case Articles), 18 Critical Tips for Traveling Central America. You ask good questions. Theres a blood splatter on her leg from her tendon being cut, to keep her from running away. The remains of two American women who went missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama a month ago have been recovered, officials said. And one of the images chillingly showed the back of Kris' head with what some sleuthes believe is blood leaking from her temple. Packed up the bag, left it, and tried to walk out. On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. Cats are often seen as pests and scavengers which is unfortunately why many people use poison to kill local cats. It would also show that the photos had been truly messed about with, as this one is supposed to come before the photos of her crossing the stream. Panama City Beach tourism numbers break records for 2021 - WJHG The theory of being lost is so plausible in a Jungle but then the photos .. the speculation can never end. Hope this was not a member of one of those mad religious sects that, over the years, have been torturing and killing people in Panama. Why? Each year, around 30,000 people are reported missing in Australiaone person every 18 minutes. If you look at her shirt, it appears to be red and white striped. It is high noon and they have no way of telling which direction to go. Given that most people crop off the top of this image, people would have missed the findings that I mention below. Instead, they think What words can I say to make my local population feel better? After all, locals elect these same authorities. Personally, I believe that number one mentioned above is the most likely reason. According to ageographicalexpert, the three-mile stretch is relatively easy to explore, and most missing tourists return without assistance or come across search parties looking for them. Required fields are marked *, I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. Although it might be the sun that gives her face a strange expression. Zooming in I swear its a person standing Hidden amongst the tangle with body paint. 1 Long-Haul Tourism Market. You have to look hard. Two Dutch tourists Kris Lemers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22 disappeared while out on a hike in Panama in April 2004. However having just seen a darkened and reddened photo (the one of the back of Kriss strawberry blonde hair) you can see, in the top left, a door frame at the bottom of which is a dark floor. Stories which hes found in archives going back as early as 1500s until modern day all Facts and all true. All of this leads to resentment and frustration, which results in higher crime rates. Froon and Kremers were both in their early 20s; they traveled to Panama to work with children. This article seems to have a crop from high resolution version of the above photo. The girls phone records later showed that they started making their initial distress calls on their cell phones approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes after their last known daytime photo (Photo 508).